22 September 2021

The World After . . .

[preface: i began this article as a thought, then an idea, the day of Yom Kippur, 
and only now present my thoughts to you]

All day long we were begging HaShem, confessing our sins, declaring the forgiving nature of HaShem, our mouths formed these words, page after page. We spent many hours ‘speaking’ in spiritual terms.

But has Yom Kippur ever spoken to you?

Have you ever received ‘messages’ from out of the liturgy?

There is another less ideal form of messaging, a small handheld ‘device’ that takes the Jewish Neshoma away from HaShem into an alien world.

Rabbi Mendel Kessin mentioned it in one of his last weekly shiurim. And he said it was super dangerous (not verbatim).

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It is said that our internal organs correlate to middos and also correlate to the Beis HaMikdash in its formation. For example: The Altars form the whole heart of the Jew.

In his Likkutei Torah (Devarim 78d) Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi explains that the altars form the whole heart of the Jew. And corresponding to the two altars of the Sanctuary, the outer and the inner, are the outer and inner levels of the heart, its surface personality and its essential core.

The altar on which the continual fire was to be set was the outer one. And for the Jew this means that the fire of his love for G‑d must be outward, open and revealed. It is not a private possession, to be cherished subconsciously. It must show in the face he sets towards the world.

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This is drawn from two sources in the Zohar. Parshat Balak 196b, chapter 220 and in the second introduction to Tikkunei Zohar 17a quoting Eliyahu HaNavi.

This also follows the way it is explained in Sefer Kehillat Yaacov beginning with the words, מזבח תרין מדבחן אנון כו׳ and מזבח הזהב.

By way of illustration, when looking at the overhead floor plan of the Temple, it is compared to the silhouette of either a person laying prostrate, arms outstretched before G-d or a Kohen raising their hands to bless. The placement of the outer alter is in the general position where the heart would be. The Holy and Holy of Holies are in the position of the head. The inner alter, the gold, incense alter is in the place where the brains would be.

In context, the Mochin (Brains) are what give rise to the Middot (Emotional Attributes) in proper service to G-d.

This same structure follows the placement of the Tefillin shel Rosh and Tefillin shel Yad. The 4 Batim of the shel Rosh correspond with the brains. The straps of the shel Rosh meet at the heart which is the place where the Avnet (Gartel) is tied. And the Bayit of the shel Yad, which is turned toward the heart to receive it's influence, concludes with the strap which ends at the hand. This means performance of the commandments, external action, is the main thing.

It is also said that when one becomes “ill” and affects certain organs, one or many, that this is a sign of “sin.” When our sins overwhelm us, we become ill, reflected inside our body. 

The Sages of old could tell a person how to do teshuva for that sin/transgression based on what part of the body was weakened. 

HaShem said that if we ever reached a level of sinning and not correcting our path, He would send someone (or something) to inflict us and cause us to Return.

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A pandemic is a worldwide attack on the well-being of humanity.

That which is attacking the Neshomos of Klal Yisroel is called a 'Coronavirus Pandemic'. What the medical world is prescribing to counter this is called a ‘Vaccine'. The vaccine is found to be more dangerous than the virus. However, the virus can be curtailed and/or removed via certain widely known and used medicines and nutraceuticals. Even the right doses of certain vitamins can combat the illness. However, with the vaccine, once absorbed into the body it affects every organ including the heart and the brain.

Could this attack on the internal organs mirror/reflect the ability of the ‘smart phones’ that allow entry of the yetzer harah into the heart and brain, and thus affecting other organs of the G-d given human creation?

Rabbi Dr Uri Sofer says: 


Summary: The shot is a horrific plague, his phone is ringing day and night from people that were harmed from it. Entire yeshivas where the students took the shot have been decimated. A rabbi has no authority to rule on matters of life and death for an entire nation that they must do something, only a Sanhedrin. Rav Kanievsky did not rule in favor of the shot, he received one-sided information in any case, and he is no longer capable of ruling on these matters; he does not even recognize his daughter and can barely speak a single word.

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WHY does this Vaxsine do such irreparable harm?
Could it be midda kneged midda?
What do you mean, you could be asking?

With that simple handheld device Rabbi Kessin referred to, your SMART PHONE, you could be allowing your yetzer harah full entry into your entire body! Beside wearing it in your clothing, you wear it on your ears. The S.M. is devious and after your neshoma, pulling you away from HaShem in small increments, until one falls to the ‘virus’.

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