29 September 2021

Be Shocked Into Reality . . .

Unimaginable, Disconcerting, Unbelievable, Shocked Into Inaction,

Shocked into the REALITY

Thoroughly Confused?

So What Does One Do?


Science and Medicine Out to Kill YOU!

'Listen to those who were injured'. The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media. We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story.

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“No booster, No GreenPass, ad infinitum. 

“Prof. Salman Zarka, Israel’s “coronavirus czar,” publicly announced that getting a fourth booster shot will result in Israelis being granted “fully vaccinated” status, allowing them full entry into all indoor spaces. “Given that the virus is here and will continue to be here, we also need to prepare for a fourth injection,” Zarka said, suggesting that the “green pass” will constantly have to be updated for each new injection. [you are now a slave and cult member]

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Special Interview

Dr. Lee Merritt tells Alan Keyes during his program “Let’s Talk America” on Brighteon.TV that the people need to have a situational awareness with what’s happening in the world right now. “We need to realize the situation. This is a war, it’s not just a virus,” Merritt says. “If you think you’re fighting a virus, then you’re going to be a victim.”

“Merritt, a renowned surgeon, says their predecessors at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) have seen this coming a long time ago. In 1943, a number of physicians and surgeons parted ways with the American Medical Association (AMA) to form AAPS as the former aligned itself with the government.

“The AAPS said no because we need to keep the government out of medicine. You want the medicine to be between you and the patient – not between you, a government bureaucrat and a patient. And that’s exactly the paradigm that has happened,” . . . We no longer see doctors taking an oath to their patients and to doing the very best thing to the patients. They’re taking an oath to the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and whatever the NIH [National Institutes of Health] and CDC guidelines are, and it’s driven by money. That’s what happened.”

 There are no FDA-approved preventives or therapies for this novel illness. The ethical and humane action is for physicians to prescribe remedies for which there is a scientific basis and favorable current experience. These include HCQ as well as high-dose intravenous vitamin C. The alternative is to deny patients the best available chance to live.

 Merritt cites the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests as proof that the virus is not the real enemy. (Related: FDA document admits “covid” PCR test was developed without isolated covid samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else.)

“If you read the brochure, it tells you exactly how to do the test,” Merritt says. “Cycle it 20-30 times. If you go over 30, you will start getting false positives. If you go over 35 times, it’s basically meaningless. It’s like a broken clock that gets the time right two times a day.”

“Yet, all the labs all over the world are doing 45 cycles on average. Merritt points out that those labs are run by lab managers who know how to do tests and train their staff.”

 ...masks are traditionally put on slaves and on cult followers. “It’s a cult symbol of ‘I would be quiet, I would obey, I would submit, I would transform myself into whatever you want me to be.’ That’s what cult symbolisms for masks are,” Merritt explains”


Daniel Grad said...
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Neshama said...

Personally, I believe its the Nazis, who never gave up, and are doing their Fourth Reich now! Look at the background of the key players, most of which are german.

Anonymous said...

It could be both Nazi and Ishmael.they cooperated closely during WW2.
and also it is all of the evil forces since the creation of the world.
May Ha Shem have Mercy on us and send us Moshiach !

Yesterday Stew Peters interviewed a family doctor from Mississippi.
Dr. Wesley Granger has been practicing medicine for more than thirty years, and now he’s become the face of the anti-forced vaccination movement there. Literally: He’s put his face on a billboard there, protesting against vax mandates. He said that if it comes for him to choose between standing in front of Nuremberg trials tribunal or in front of Judge of the Universe Heavenly Father, he'll take his chances to stand with God and doing the right thing for his patients.

Neshama please post this interview if you can


Neshama said...

Ok, ditto!

Anonymous said...

Agree with Neshama and Anon @20:27 also. The main movers are the nazis in an alliance with Yishmael and just like the nevuah says they will merge to eventually come up to EY to go against the Yehudim and the rulers in EY will join up with these reshaim. Things are really coming together; we just pray that it be with great chesed v'rachamim al Bnai Yisrael and that H' makes it all happen in a blink of an eye with no harm to any real Yehudi neshamah!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...