22 September 2021

The World After . . . Part Two

A pandemic is a worldwide attack on the well-being of humanity.

That which is attacking the Neshomos of Klal Yisroel is called a 'Coronavirus Pandemic'. What the medical world is prescribing to counter this is called a ‘Vaccine'. The vaccine is found to be more dangerous than the virus. However, the virus can be curtailed and/or removed via certain widely known and used medicines and nutraceuticals. Even the right doses of certain vitamins can combat the illness. However, with the vaccine, once absorbed into the body it affects every organ including the heart and the brain.

Could this attack on the internal organs mirror/reflect the ability of the ‘smart phones’ that allow entry of the yetzer harah into the heart and brain, and thus affecting other organs of the G-d given human creation?


With that simple handheld device Rabbi Kessin referred to, your SMART PHONE, you could be allowing your yetzer harah full entry into your entire body! Beside wearing it in your clothing, you wear it on your ears. The S.M. is devious and after your neshoma, pulling you away from HaShem in small increments, until one falls to the ‘virus’.

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The follow are statements from a Rabbi Hillel Yoel Kepetch in the Hamodia Prime (Succos edition), The War is On by N Goldberger. “As modern technology is becoming all-pervasive, infiltrating in all strata of our lives, its effect is being felt on all layers of society – but most on the impressionable youth. Mechanchim and Rosh Yeshiva, tasked with raising the next generation of ehrliche Yidden and transmitters of the Torah, have expressed grave concern about the effect that mobile phone, internet, social media,, and all data transmitting technology is having on the yeshivas – the bastions of purity in a stormy world. In an attempt to curb the tide, they invited Rabbi Kepetch to raise awareness among yeshiva bachurim about how much modern technology is affecting them. Rabbi Kepetch has become famous in the U.S. for the successful asides he has held on the topic…. [everything within “ “ is from the article]

About the use of SD Cards:  “… we have reached a point that has already been predicted by the nevi’s and elucidated by later tzadikim, especially the talmidei Baal Shem Tov. They have warned that there will come a time of a weak generation who will have to contend with nisyonos of Dor Hamabul and Dor Haflagah – these are the times we live in.” 

SD Cards contain hundreds of hours of clips! Sports, news, movies, goyishe games and maybe also a little bit of obscurity. Is that fine…? That a bacchus watches what any goyishe kid watches?” “So, this is my question: Since when has TV become mutter? To watch video news?”

Ha’arama:  "The gemara in Beitzah says that the chachamim were more stringent with ha’arama, deceit, than they were with a meizid, an intentional transgression. Why? Rashi explains that when a person transgresses intentionally he has a bad conscience, he feels bad and his heart beats hard within him. … However, with ha’aramah the person doesn’t even feel bad – he feels ok with what he is doing and people also learn from him. This is how technology has progressed in recent years.”

“We have a tendency to worry only about lo suture acharei einechim – not to watch forbidden sights. And what about acharei levavchem – heresy? Social media has become a platform for the spread of all kinds of articles … die’s kozvos … heimishe apikorsim…” “A lifestyle of Eisav – echo ushesei ki machar mamus…”

“Chazal say about the yetzer hara, hayom omer lo aseh kach, lemachar omer lo aseh kach, ad she’omer lo lech avod avodah zara….”

“It is important to get the Torah view on the situation that we are currently contending with. This time has already been predicted in the Torah and in midrashim, and the talmudic of the Baal Shem Tov write about it in great detail. They say in the time before the coming of Moshiach there will be a weak generation. There will be nisyonos like Dor Hamabul, and Dor Haflagah and we will have to hold onto the straight walls to remain an ehrliche Yid.

When the Torah was given, “you should be for Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, and you should be for Me a treasure among all the nations.” 

And, “You have chosen us from among the nations” and “you have sanctified us with Your mitzvah.”

“Explains Rav Hirshele Ropshitzer (the words of Haman to Achashveirosh), “the main aspect of their religion is … to be different from every nation … even they don’t keep the mitzvah the the King of the universe, Hashem.”

What does Zionism say, TO BE LIKE THE NATIONS.

“Yaakov Avinu knew we cannot survive without this separation.” 

“If you read Jewish history, you know that this is how thousands of bachurim were lost to Yiddishkeit between the two World Wars, when madkilim started circulating their books in the holy yeshivas. It was just stories, discussions and biographies, written by secular and haskalah writers. This is the power of the pen. … The same happens nowadays with blog posts and social media messages ….”

“THE YETZER HARA IS DESPERATE TO GET IN BEFORE THE COMING OF MOSHIACH! Its not only smartphones, every divide with a screen … is designed to send over or copy data is a danger. It brings re’iyos asuros and goes under the prohibition of lo assuru acharei levavchem v’acharei eineichem."

“Our grandparents are begging us from Shamayim not to give up now. Just now, they say to us: ‘Now, before the coming of Moshiach, you want to give up? Don’t let all our hard work [generations and generations] be for naught

“All it demands is that we swear allegiance to our Father in Heaven and shout, “I am segulah mikol ha’amim! Anything that brings me closer to the non-Jew – I’ll keep away from it."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't know why I didn't get to see this post before Glad I did now. Very true, and am glad people are waking up to this whole preplanned agenda that goes back all the way to the moment that the erev rav were allowed in our midst. They don't stop together with Esav & Yishmael, they are determined to reach their ultimate goal, which will, of course, never happen! These are times that are frightening and every Yid must strengfhen himself both spiritually and physically and keep Hashem in mind without pause. This is the age of super challenges for mankind, in general.
Moshiach will be here in a blink of an eye when we least expect it and may he come with great mercy!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...