28 January 2016

Whether Weather? A Change in Geography

Storming Waters along the California Coast, Storming Snow along the Eastern Seaboard, Flooding, Beach Erosion, and Coastline Erosion. And NIBIRU has not yet arrived, but may be on the way. Or are the following weather phenomena alerting us as it nears?  Menachem on NIBIRU and recent research on AbsoluteTruth613 who makes mention of the words of Daniel (link below), one of the autistics.

Pacifica Coastal Erosion Caught on Drone Video:  SHOCKING VIDEO Coastal Erosion. Pacifica is a city in San Mateo County, California, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean between San Francisco and Half Moon Bay.

Pacifica sidewalk cave in. VIDEO: Sidewalk Cave in. Watch the waters crashing against the coastline.

Ventura Calif. near Santa Barbara is also seeing flooding.

CNN MONEY: The Northeast Blizzard will cost up to $3 billion: CNN Money reports the storm that hit the East Coast over the weekend likely cost businesses and residents about $2.5 billion to $3 billion. That estimate comes from Moody's Analytics, which estimates most of the cost of the storm is from businesses that lost sales and employees that lost wages when they could not get to work. In Portland, Oregon, the December heavy rains drench northwest Oregon, causing flooding, landslides, sewer overflow.

However, the greatest impact I believe is the terrific amount of snow and its disrupting impact on the daily life of people. Imagine if NIBIRU were to slide by Earth, causing the massive changes foretold along both coastal areas of the North America and Canada, leaving miles of erosion going far inland. If this were to take place, these photos will be nothing in comparison.  More on NIBIRU Daniel on Planet X Comet

USA TODAY: Eastern Coastal Towns 'This flooding is worse than Sandy' from Snowzilla Jonah. Beach communities in New Jersey and Delaware were evaluating the aftermath from the massive winter storm as high tides washed out dunes and brought icy water into the streets. Delaware's sand-enriched beaches from Lewes to Fenwick Island took a whipping as dunes were flattened and wiped away. The ones that remained looked like a giant front-end loader came through and scooped off the face, leaving a jagged series of cliffs.

Bethany Beach, Delaware

Manasquan, New Jersey

Normandy Beach, Delaware


This was an immensely powerful storm, and it permanently changed the geography right along the edge of the water… All along the Delaware coast there was significant dune damage and areas where the ocean washed through to Delaware 1, pushing a field of crumpled, tangled sand fencing and other debris.

Changing Geography is what NIBIRU might be all about, as some have written.


Other Sources:

Messages from Autistics at Tomer Devorah.

Research Details on NIBIRU at Absolute Truth 613.

Also read the latest post comment on Astrology by Dov Bar Lieb, written 1/28/2016 1:00 AM at YearsofAwe blog under the title Is This The Dawning of the Age of the Water Bucket. I included the date/time to identify the specific comment.

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