05 January 2016

REPOSTED: About Rabbi Mizrachi's Successful Trip to Israel

Rabbi Mizrachi's so-called recent Shiur made the rounds in online social media and in Israeli Haredi Media. The fact that this shiur was given years and years ago was somehow overlooked. It seems someone wanted to use it to foment trouble. The articles were the spreading of Lashon Hara, which is tantamount to murder.

This reminds me of Moshe Rabbeinu when he said, "now the matter is known to me." From this unfortunate episode we will surely learn a lot!

THANK YOU SHIRAT DEVORAH FOR POSTING RABBI MIZRACHI'S SHIUR UPON RETURN FROM ERETZ YISRAEL. Since I don't Facebook or other social media, only email and my blog, I wasn't aware that the controversial video was just a splice, in order to denigrate a Jew who speaks the Truth. Therefore I have removed the video from this post. And I am replacing it with his most recent shiur, that you also posted. Thank you for being on top of this.


Anonymous said...

The trouble with Rabbi Mizrachi's statements regarding the 6 million Jews but saying 1 million were murdered, is incorrect. He somehow is mixing up the 'time'. Three million Jews were slaughtered in Poland alone. Remember that this took place starting the late 1930's to the early 40's. At that time, there was hardly any intermarriage in Poland and in most of the other eastern countries of Europe. In fact, it was the cream of the crop, so to speak, who were butchered. As our greatest Rabbis of that era were from Poland/Russia. Even the most humble and plainest Jew would not think of marrying a non Jew. It was not what the U.S. and Europe is today. The discarding of religion and intermarriage started at great speed right after the war ended. Many reasons for that (for another time). There might have been even many non-religious (secular) Jews, but at that time it was unthinkable for most to even contemplate marrying out.
The Russian revolution started in 1917 which impacted so-called enlightened Jews but the east Europeans Jews were not ready for assimilation, meaning intermarriage. That was a German thing and many German Jews were saved, unlike the East European Jews.
Rabbi Mizrachi's distortion of history is also dangerous in a time where the anti-semites will be, and are already using it to their advantage. Mostly, his assertions are incorrect here.

Neshama said...

Anonymous: How does this fit into the picture. I have been told by Rabbis and others that there was rampant throwing off the yoke of Torah after WWI . The reform movement started in the 1700s during the time of the Chasam Sofer, so intermarriage in Europe was an on going catastrophe. With this in mind couldn't it be feasible that many offspring from these unJewish unions populated much of Europe up to WWII, and were therefore considered 3rd and 4th generations, with at least one Jewish ancestor, whether male or female was swept up into the infernos. So It is conceivable that Rabbi Mizrachi is partially correct? Much like America today, with Cohen's, Steins, et al, not being halachic Jews because of early reform Jews dominating the early 1900s. Plus those African clans that claim to be Jews. A Total mishmash. This is one big thing that Mashiach will have to clarify.

Anonymous said...

Neshama: Sorry, you and the Rabbi are both wrong in this case. Please read Rabbi Hoffman's analysis on this from the Yeshiva World News website. The East European Jews were not intermarrying (of course, there are always exceptions, but that means 'exceptions') at that time. It was unthinkable. The Jews of Germany who started the Reform movement have been notorious for that for almost 300 years and those are the Jews that the zionists chose to save (especially the young ones) because they were the 'enlightened' Jews. But, most of the victims were from the Eastern part of Europe and they suffered the most. Also, the mass graves which were found and still seem to pop up now and then were full with hundreds of bodies who were not even counted with the 6 million. They weren't counted in the methodical German Nazi records. These graves are in Russia, Poland, Croatia, etc., etc. The Rabbi is completely incorrect here and wants to make an impact on the epidemic of today's intermarriage problem and is taking today's statistics and making it seem as if it was the statistics of 70 to 80 years ago. The assimilation and intemarriage worldwide today is an epidemic which never existed before. Yasher Koach to the Rabbi for his kiruv and the success that he has had with it but he should definitely not include the false numbers with the shoah. This is also playing into our enemies hands because they are the ones claiming these lies on a constant basis.

Neshama said...

Thank you Anonymous for commenting and following up.
All the best to you.

Neshama said...

These comments are no longer valid because the clip of the video was from many years ago and used to smear Rabbi Mizrachi.

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