24 September 2013

What a Joke!

Jewish Couple, Young Child, Escape Lynch-Mob in Jerusalem: "Young couple, along with their four year-old son, narrowly escape Arab mob; 'if they'd had a gun, it would have ended differently'."

They experienced rocks thrown at each of them, which injured them. There is no law and order in the Palestinian areas, and America believes these Palestinian wild leopards will change their spots... What a joke.

The nations have sympathy and protect murderers! They know not how to live in true peace with a moral lifestyle. The world is on the verge of Sodom and Gomorrah. We know how that ended, in fire amd brimstone, raining ash that consumed everything including the stones and boulders.

May G-d show His vengeance soon.


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Guest Post: “ The Unspoken Wounds:”

  The Unspoken Wounds: Confronting a Painful Past and the Path to Healing within Israel By confronting the unspoken wounds of the past with ...