29 September 2013

And So, Netanyahu is to Confront Obama ....

But will Netanyahu say the right things, will he declare our sovereignty as a Biblical Nation with the inheritance of Eretz Yisrael ... ?

Prof Dan Vogel, “Franz Kafka’s Foreboding of the Holocaust and His Late Thirst for Judaism,” in B’Or Ha’Torah issue 19. The author claims that Kafka had this “foreboding” [a vague fear of the future, inferred irrationally from clues in the present], which presented itself in his writings. 

(my synopsis) The uncanniness of comparison between Kafka's foreboding and that of the present-day oppression by the nations toward tiny Eretz Yisrael is striking. The duality of strangeness in Kafka's  writing was a veil over his strained relationship with his father and his upbringing (weak/negative Jewish role models), but also reflected the situation of the Jews of Europe of the time, and his prophetic (not prophecy) descriptions that became the eventual Nazi trademarks.

(such as:) “The process of depersonalization descending into dehumanization is graphically depicted in ‘The Trial’, in the case of an accused man … a victim of depersonalization, deprived of his normal self-confident character … he was guilty without sinning … his situation an effect without cause.”

We Jews are being pushed into being guilty of being Israelis (i.e. Jewish) and wanting to live on our Biblical Land. Arab depersonalization of Jews denies all of our ancient role models and G-d’s designation of Yitzchak as the one to carry the sovereignty of our People and Land. [Kever Yosef, Hevron, Har HaBayit]

Is this not what the world is doing with delegitimizing our right to be a people, the right to produce and sell, the right to build homes for our children … to squeeze us into a sliver of earth nearly impossible to defend against haters and murderers … is not the next step to deny our right to EXIST?

Feiglin is not Kafka, but now that the Shoah is part of our historical memory, one can easily recall how it all began, and with this remembrance “see” into the future, as Feiglin said “... And the catastrophe will come. It is on its way.”


in the vanguard said...

Neshama - Bibi does not have to SAY the right things. He's in the U.S. because he considers the U.S. IMPORTANT, or the U.N. important - NONE of whom are really important! He has Hashem at his back.He must DO what he must do. ACTION - not words. He should eliminate the Iranian threat by action, certain that Hashem will lead him right. Forget politics. Politics is not what Jews need function by. Even Feiglin I suspect, when push comes to shove, will go it opolitically. What we need is a profound, new, Judaic perspective. The Shulchan Aruch states clearly, "if someone threatens you, rise earlier and kill him." Period.

Neshama said...

Well, now that we heard our PM speak last night, 'in the vanguard', that was a "more like it speech" while he did stop short of finishing the statement of "the right of the Jews to a homeland of their own in the land of their fathers ..."

which precludes a Palestinian state in the middle of it!

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