27 September 2013

Moshe Feiglin declares ...

In Obama's Tuesday speech to the UN:  Israel cannot continue to exist as a secure, democratic state without “the realization of a Palestinian state,”

In Response, Moshe Feiglin declares:

"The goal is to lead the Nation of Israel and quickly – we do not have time,"

"Understand this...I have no complaint toward Netanyahu. I hold the man in esteem. I respect the man. I know that from his consciousness and his conceptual world, he cannot reach any other solution and he will not reach any other solution. And the catastrophe will come. It is on its way.”

“Once Israel recognized ‘the Palestinian nation and its rights,’ it began a worldwide process of loss of legitimacy for the existence of a Jewish state,” Feiglin stated, explaining, “It’s either our land, or theirs. If we recognized another nation’s rights to our land – we lost our own rights.”

“Until ... Rabin and ... Netanyahu, all Israeli leaders repeatedly stated the historic truth: that there is
no ‘Palestinian’ nation,
no ‘Palestinian’ history and
no ‘Palestinian’ national aspirations.

“There is an Arab nation that aspires to destroy Israel, and the ‘Palestinian’ invention is the main way to do that,”

“A Palestinian state is not a guarantee of Israel’s security, it’s a recipe for Israel’s destruction,”

He cited a statement from 1968 by Israeli cabinet minister Yaakov Shapira ... :

"We [the government - ed.] never announced that the Temple Mount belonged exclusively to the Arabs. We did not announce that it was forbidden for Jews to pray there, [and] we did not announce that it was forbidden for Jews to erect a synagogue there."

Sources: Israel National News and Arutz7 and Arutz Sheva.


in the vanguard said...

The fact that Feiglin got displaced in his party's roster shows you just how rotten the whole system is. We must have faith in Hashem only - anyhow!

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Bitachon 196 - So Fortunate to Trust II

We continue our study in Tehillim perek 84 passuk 13, and continue to try to understand the background behind the statement that we are so f...