13 September 2013

Gmar Chatima Tova to All Klal Yisrael

Wishing a Gmar Chatima Tova to all Clal Yisrael

May this be a year of deep retrospection on our being gathered together on our Eretz Yisrael, and the  further ingathering of our family members in all the countries on the globe. 

As Dov Bar Leib has succinctly stated, "I am blown away by America's collapse as a world power. It happened before our eyes over the course of about 48 hours." The prophecies are unfolding before us.

The preparations for our Geula are very much in the making, and Am Yisrael needs to open their eyes and see what is happening, as The Lubavitcher Rebbe stated years ago, and to understand why this is occurring. 

We need to open our hearts to one another, to respect each other, and to reciprocate the kindness that our G-d is showering upon us.

May this be a year of many awakenings, and a year of Bracha and Hatzlacha, health, financial stability, family cohesiveness, toleration for our splintered people to be nourished here on the Land.

May this be a year of shock and awe for the peoples and nations that fight against us.


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