14 November 2012

Come Home Wayward Children

Rabbi Lazer Brody Shlit"a is now in the States delivering his awe-inspiring shiurim, trying to reach the Neshomas of the rest of our family of Am Yisrael and inspire them to return home, to Eretz Yisrael. However, he wrote on his facebook pg:

"With Obama in term for another four years, this should be a clear sign that America is no longer the friend of the Jews it used to's time to come home."

Reb Dov Bar Leib has been writing much lately, as a result of the elections, the decimation of much of NE Coastal American Jewry by 'Sandy', also in hopes of also reaching the rest of our family of Am Yisrael to return home to Eretz Yisrael.

You can read the spirited conversations on:

YeranenYaakov and Years of Awe, Dov's own blog. Be sure to scroll down and read his other postings.

And  LemonLimeMoon has been keeping us apprised of some unreported coastal happenings:

Nuclear Fuel gets Hot at Oyster Creek NJ
Oyster Creek NJ Nuke Reactor
Oyster Creek Continuing Nuke Worries

More at Fukushima

Prepare for the Fiscal Cliff Crisis:

The Blaze


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