02 August 2012

Twelve Weeks of Waiting and Watching ...

“If I were an Iranian, I would be very fearful of the next 12 weeks,” said ... a former chief of Israel’s intelligence agency and national security adviser.

12 Weeks takes us to the vacinity of Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan.
What could be special about Cheshvan in the Geulah scenario?
Could he be off a few weeks; perhaps he meant November?
But November 7 is still in Chodesh Cheshvan.

Source: NYT: U.S. and Israel Intensify Talks on Iran Options


The decision whether to attack Iran will be taken by the country’s elected political leadership, and not by the defense and security establishment, said Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. "Netanyahu’s comments followed a front page headline in Tuesday’s Yediot Aharonot saying that the US administration believes Israel’s top military and intelligence brass – [...] Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) [...] – are all opposed to an Israeli attack without US backing."

But, peering into the spaces between the above words, it sounds like Netanyahu already could have already worked this out with the US President.


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