06 August 2012

A Further Escalation of Their Ideology ... War

Jihadists' goal: Israel-Egypt war
Analysis: Experienced terrorists in chaotic Sinai looking to ignite entire region, establish rule of Salafi-Wahabi Islam as threat to entire world

After I put together the following items on Monday, with my perspective as No 4, Debka Headlines:

Obama’s Dilemma: Attack Iran First?
Let Israel lead or delay until a tactical nuclear strike becomes necessary.

US Army Set for Israeli Strike in October
American forces will defend Saudi oil and Hormuz

Was Iran behind coordinated Islamist attacks on Egypt and Israel from Sinai? The initial Egyptian and Israeli accounts of the attacks in which 16 Egyptian soldiers were killed and the Israeli border crashed Sunday night, Aug. 5, don’t match up:

1. Egypt points the finger at the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip;

2. Israel at Sinai salafists.

3. DEBKAfile postulates a third option: Tehran may have harnessed its Gaza Strip proxies and a Sinai al Qaeda cell for coordinated attacks on Egyptian and Israeli military targets to avenge Al Qaeda’s enlistment to the Western-Arab-backed revolt against Bashar Assad.

4. CONSIDER this: Is Tehran instigating both Egypt and Israel in order to propel the "war of the Twelfth Imam's Return? Read this very interesting article from Sept. 2011: Iran's Nuclear Ambitions on Track to Fulfill 12th Iman's Return


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