06 August 2012


Remember what Rav Moshe Wolfson Shlit"a (Boro Park) said in June 2011:

"The fall of a nation is preceded by the fall of it’s sar, or administering angel. Once the sar falls, then the nation will fall. This is based on the Zohar (section 2, page 18a - LB) which says that what the Jews saw on the banks of the Red Sea suf was the sar of Egypt dying. Yishmael has 12 sarim (plural for “sar”)."

“Osama bin Ladin, being the biggest danger to the entire world, had the biggest sar of Yishmael. During these past few weeks as we saw so many entrenched arab leaders, heirs of Yishmael, fall, it is apparent that their defending sar has already fallen and they will continue their downfalls. It is a great thing when sarim fall. The Princes of Yishmael are falling. Bin Laden had their biggest sar. The way the Maharal puts it, he does not have to be a direct descendant of Yishmael. Bin Laden is from the culture of Yishmael.” Keeping Score ... A Reminder

Now, August 2012, Rav Wolfson Shlit"a has this to say:

Disaster, Redemption May be Near

"Our Sages of Blessed Memory say that Persia will destroy the entire world and the Jews will be in a difficult situation," he told his followers. "Why are we quiet? Where is the awakening? Why is everyone apathetic? Why is everyone busy with silly and unimportant things? Do we not hear the alarm? Do we not know that we must break open the gates of Heaven and ask for mercy from G-d?"

"In the coming weeks we face a total war in Iran, Israel, Europe and the U.S. And the nation of Israel in its entirety must prepare spiritually. The Rambam says that it is a mitzvah to pray in difficult times, and if one does not pray, one is being cruel, and it causes the situation to get worse, G-d forbid."

"There is no need to panic," he added. "We believe that G-d will perform miracles for us, it is possible that the time of Redemption (geula) has come and we must prepare for Redemption. Since the Holocaust, G-d has made great miracles for the Jews, especially in the Land of Israel, that hosts most of the world's Jews. And the Torah world receives unnatural help from Heavens. We can see that G-d wants to perform miracles for us and we must prepare for redemptions."


redemption watch said...

It's great Rav Wolfson is trying to wake up the Jewish world to the Redemption, which the Lubavitcher Rebbe Melech haMoshiach prophesied in 1991. However, the Rebbe asked that people learn about Redemption, namely in the Rambam's Hilchos Melachim, Laws of Kings, the last two chapters devoted to Moshiach and Geula, and also notably in the teachings of the Chabad Rabbeim. If people learn the talks of the Rebbe from 1991-92, there is tremendous information on the Redemption and how we hasten it through our learning.

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