30 May 2011

Why are we still Reading and Writing about this?

Because it was extraordinary and jolted around the Middle East and America. Where did he get such courage, they wonder. Whatever Netanyahu made his main point, the Arabs were sure to and did attack it.

However, I think this is catastrophic because when push comes to shove, we might see quite another play on words spell across Israel and her neighbors! Just like after '67 the euphoria subsided into another unfortunate war. Netanyahu has to balance his beliefs against his elected party, and to withstand all the other politicians (misguided victims of their leftist beliefs).

All the Israeli politicians must choose which side they are on. Hopefully they will come to understand and defend our Holy Land of Eretz Yisrael, the land of their ancestors too. But do you think this will change the "already agreed upon"?

My husband is just raving about three articles he read (and is re-reading) that analyze the effects of PM Netanyahu's bombastic (:-)) presentation to the U.S. Congress. All three were in this past Friday's Jerusalem Post. Therefore, I share them here.

One is Caroline Glick about Netanyahu's
"Churchillian" speech (in full):

"It is not coincidental that many American and Israeli observers have described Netanyahu's speech as "Churchillian." Winston Churchill's leadership was a classic example of democratic leadership. And Netanyahu is Churchill's most fervent pupil. The democratic leadership model requires a leader to set out his vision of where his country must go and convince the public to follow him... That is what Churchill did. And that is what Netanyahu did this week. And like Churchill in June 1940, Netanyahu's success this week was dazzling."

[Wherein she also supposedly "gives it to Peres and Livni".

Next is
Worlds Apart by the Jerusalem Post's editor:

"It was never about his middle name or the color of his skin or even the views of his former spiritual leader. Israeli concerns about Barack Obama’s presidency have always revolved around the question of whether he “gets” the Middle East – whether he fully internalizes the ruthlessness of those in this region who are trying to wipe us out, and the relentlessness with which they have been battling for decades to do so. ..."

And the third is JPost's Herb Keinan (who was part of the press that accompanied the PM) in
Netanyahu and the Book of Why.

"When Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu fired off an unprecedentedly sharp response to US President Barack Obama’s Middle East speech last Thursday night just two hours before boarding a plane to meet the president, it was clear this prime minister’s five-day trip to the American capital was going to be unlike any other.

And, indeed, it was. From the pre-boarding surprises that included Obama’s reference to a return to the 1967 borders and Netanyahu’s angry reaction, to the astonishing media session after their meeting in which Netanyahu essentially told Obama he was wrong...

And yet it remains full of questions. In the world of diplomacy, things don’t generally just happen. They are thought out, considered, weighed. And they have reasons. As such – when reviewing the major events of Netanyahu’s 2011 Washington trip – it’s instructive to ask one simple question: Why? "

So, now what happens?

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