20 September 2013

ALARM BELLS ARE RINGING ... More on Fukushima

G-d Have Rachmonus on Your Children and Save the Earth

"Baby seals are suffering from radiation ... 
70% of the seals in California have died this way now."

"70% of the seals ...  It is a harbinger of what mankind has to look forward to. No, this isn't alarmist. If anything the world is yawning when it should be on full alert. Mankind had better wake up quickly as human mortality rates are climbing as well."

"Hawaiian waters will be going nuclear in 2015 say the senior scientist of Union of Concerned Scientists’ Global Security Program Dr. Edwin Lyman"

"Now a crack has been found in the stacks 200 feet above the ground and they may be more difficult to deal with than the ground water! Already it has released a high radiation dose to the area."

With gratitude to LemonLimeMoon for continuing to sound the alarm on this and other things seriously effecting life on earth.


in the vanguard said...

Judging from your "rude awakening" as to what might happen were nuclear waste to spread, you should know that all administrations for the last 100 years have been dumbing down America; By poisoning all drinking water with fluoride; By pushing Big Pharma's agenda to drug the public; By calling for the public to vaccinate; By allowing mercury (used in vaccines and in tooth filllings called Amalgam) for use and prohibiting anything say against it, lest the doctor or dentist have his "license" revoked; By allowing nothing beyond the 3-money-makers, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery for cancer "therapy"; ... and the list goes on and on.

Neshama said...

Yes you are so very correct! My husband and I know/knew about all this and have adjusted our own lives accordingly. I am helping another blogger get 'her' message out and thus posted about this. I worry for the naive and those in denial of our people, and all righteous people everywhere.

Anonymous said...

vanguard, you are so very 1000% correct. and its not just USA. its every other nation and their politicians. even in third world countries medical corruption is rampant. my husband just completed 6 chemos, for colon cancer. he had two primaries, one in the colon which had spread a bit, and one in the appendix which was localised. he has never smoked a cigarette in his life nor taken a drop of alcohol. fukushima is Hashem telling us to wake up. everything that we eat, drink or breathe is contaminated by man. and much of it kept from the public. today, due to the internet alot of truths are coming out.

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