03 September 2018

Zapped by Microwaves

The American diplomats and family members who mysteriously fell ill while stationed at the US embassy in Havana may have been zapped by microwaves that can cause brain injuries, according to a frightening report Saturday. NYPost

This is very serious and the use of microwave terror warfare is very real and threatening. One should realize that 5G technology is microwave pursuer of one’s cognition and ”Moach” G-D given abilities to learn Torah and make decisions imperative to one’s life. I do not know if our Rabbis understood this when they ossered the internet (cell towers, UV radiation from the naked sun, microwave radiation, and 5G tech.) but it is becoming apparent to one who investigates and learns. Not only does all this distort the dna and neurological s in ones brain, but can contribute to if not increase neurological damage, i.e. dimentia and alzheimers. Ones brain is one’s link to and communication with HaShem.

When I first read about this many months ago, my first thought was microwave warfare. Now it is being revealed. Microwave warfare is not a new American weapon, what is new is it’s being unleashed on humans all over the world. Couple this with lazer warfare and we are living in another dimension. Imagine this technology coupled with robotics!

Doctors and scientists examined 21 of the more than three dozen people affected at the now-abandoned building, concluding that microwaves are “a main suspect” in their medical conditions, a story in The New York Times says. NYPost

NYTimes. During the Cold War, Washington feared that Moscow was seeking to turn microwave radiation into covert weapons of mind control.

More recently, the American military itself sought to develop microwave arms that could invisibly beam painfully loud booms and even spoken words into people’s heads. The aims were to disable attackers and wage psychological warfare.
In 2016, diplomats at the United States Embassy in Havana were mysteriously stricken. Was it an attack? There is no official explanation, but the episode has played a big role in America’s current political disengagement with Cuba.
[. . .] Douglas H. Smith  the study’s lead author and director of the Center for Brain Injury and Repair at the University of Pennsylvania, said in a recent interview that microwaves were now considered a main suspect and that the team was increasingly sure the diplomats had suffered brain injury.

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