04 April 2016

Living With Hashem – Words of Wisdom from Rabbi Avigdor Miller

Children of a Perfect Father.  Eisav you had to know had a good father and a mother. Eisav is blamed only in comparison to what he should have been. But there’s no question Eisav was a very fine gentleman. His father loved him not for nothing.

And still when Hakadosh Baruch Hu looked at Eisav, looked at Sayir Edom, He fell in love with the Am Yisrael. He saw the difference. No matter how good Edom is they cannot compare to the children of Yaakov ish tam, the perfect man. — Asking for Life (Erev Yom Kippur) (#803)

Hashem’s second sorrow is that we are being dragged through the exile of the nations. The nations are all in the gutter; they always have been. Only today, they are in a lower gutter than ever before. Even frum Jews live in an atmosphere polluted with the filth that’s coming out of the gentile world, like parasites. An old man totters out Shabbas morning to buy his Forward. His grandchildren have hair down to their buttocks and they’re dressed in rags, lying in street corners bumming around. It’s a pity on the Jewish people. We are living in the midst of this.

The Jewish nation used to be filled with idealists to the core; you could see it on their faces. As it says in the Gemara, “There will come a time when Jewish youth who never tasted sin will give off a scent like the finest of Lebanon.”

An innocent, pure yeshiva man is lovable. But today, the misled youth echo gentile ideas and follow in their footsteps. In the olden days, the Jewish youth were so pure. Say you’re very hungry and haven’t eaten for a long time, and then you see a delicious chocolate éclair topped with icing. That’s what the Jewish youth used to look like. They were so innocent. Even a working boy was pure through and through.

People should keep away from movies like they keep away from skunks. Anybody who goes inside should know that he’s going to smell bad for years. It’s like the old-time toilets: after leaving, people would walk around for an hour before their clothing was aired. Our neshamos (souls) don’t air so quickly. If you walk into a movie, the filth that permeates your soul is going to stay there for a long time.

​Even if you don’t walk in, it spills out in the street. The atmosphere is saturated with wickedness, with stupidity. Yerushalayim is in exile. The Shechinah is in exile. Therefore, we pray to Hashem, “Tell me, You whom our soul loves. How can we get close to You?” Because that’s what we seek more than anything else.  From Most Beautiful Nation by Rabbi Avigdor Miller

The gentile world is full of clamor about women, space-travel, war and sports; and all their interest is expended on materials and machines and power and pleasure. The politicians mouth phrases of public benevolence, and the literati work up a lather of artificial indignation against “social injustice,” which the loquacious clerics repeat to their shallow-brained congregants. But in actual practice there is no concern for kindliness and righteousness, — Sing, You Righteous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Rabbi Avigdor Miller, z't'l, was a super special Rav. These special Tzadikim (most) have been taken from us and we need them more than ever now. But, a true sign of Moshiach almost at the doorstep where we will have to rely solely on H'.

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