29 August 2013

Rav Kanievky Shlit"a said:

Well, That's Good Enough for Me ...

Rabbi, Chaim Kanievsky, was asked what haredim should do regarding gas masks in light of the possible Syrian attack on Israel with chemical weapons.

Yeshiva World reports Kikar reports when asked if one should get on line for a gas mask in light of the imminent attack on Syria, Rav Chaim is quoted saying “gas masks, they are for Purim!”

The Gadol Hador is quoted instructing avreichim to continue their limud Torah and not to concern themselves with the ongoing events.


in the vanguard said...

The Rebbe of Lubavitch, before the Persian Gulf War, said no reason was necessary gas masks. The same reason then holds today:

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Bitachon 196 - So Fortunate to Trust II

We continue our study in Tehillim perek 84 passuk 13, and continue to try to understand the background behind the statement that we are so f...