22 August 2013

Beit Shemesh Again ... "Where Are The Police to Protect its Citizens, Mr Mayor?"

While I agree that some Israeli women do dress inappropriately, there should be no place for violence, threats of terroristic behavior, and physical attacks on Israeli women, no matter how they dress!

“Dire Warning: It is forbidden to walk on our streets [Beit Shemesh] in immodest dress, including slutty clothing worn in a religious style. [signed] Residents of the neighborhood.”

"Some haredim in Beit Shemesh have taken a break from rioting to – illegally intimidate women.... Allison Kaplan Sommer reports that public health and new baby clinics in the city have been illegally plastered with a new modesty sign that reads, “Dire Warning: It is forbidden to walk on our streets in immodest dress, including slutty clothing worn in a religious style. [signed] Residents of the neighborhood.” (as reported in an online news site)


Esser Agaroth said...

I agree with your statement above.

But, it's also nice to read criticism without then venom I've seen going around.

How is that venom any better than venom coming from any other community?

I was harassed by a mishmeres tznius in JM when I was working at an Internet Cafe, frequented by frum people. Even though there weren't any curtains, often men and women chose on their own to sit separately, and yes we had movies, but we censored them even. Fortunately, I had Yiddish speaking "spies" who would warn us if they heard that they would be coming.

Most of these groups have no permissions from Rebbeim. The Belzer Rebbe even spoke out against them (subtly, in his own way).

They have too much time on their hands, and perhaps need to worry about their own middoth work.

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Bitachon 196 - So Fortunate to Trust II

We continue our study in Tehillim perek 84 passuk 13, and continue to try to understand the background behind the statement that we are so f...