06 August 2013

Aaron Klein on "The Situation"

The Kerry Plan 
[Regurgitated Yasser Arafat "Phase Plan"]

How Kerry is ‘blackmailing’ Israel into land concessions Blackmail

EU Yellow Star Visas: The EU boycott immediately smelled of White House instigation. But that was just the beginning of the economic/financial boycotts on Israel.

Obama's "Nudge Czar" The “Nudge Czar" who is seeking to subtly change your (American citizens') behavior via social manipulation

Shocking reason for specific al-Qaida threat Behind the Threats

* * * * *

The President of the United States is afraid of Naftali Bennett!
Because he is most prominently against giving away our land ... Kerry's plans, and is therefore trying to divide the Likud.

This is one reason the Kerry team does not like Naftali Bennett: Bennett urges Israeli government to cut ties with EU over settlement guidelines. If Israel no longer cooperates with the EU, what could that mean vis-a-vis the economic strangling boycotts threatened against Israel? 
Where would Israel continue to do business internationally?
Would this increase the Far East connection?


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Bitachon 196 - So Fortunate to Trust II

We continue our study in Tehillim perek 84 passuk 13, and continue to try to understand the background behind the statement that we are so f...