30 April 2013

America is Under Creeping Sharia Law …

America is Under Creeping Sharia Law …

What do you think “Religiously Strict” means?

To a Jew it means wearing a kipa, putting on tefillin, praying 3 times a day to our Creator, eating kosher, and living a life directed by and dedicted to G-d with tsnius (modesty).

The use of 'careful' language in describing Islamic terrorists is troubling for me. Not calling a “rose a rose” is evasive, dishonest, and deceptive. If they are Islamic, muslim, say so!

The same ‘careful’ language could be applied to any religious (Christian, Morman, Jewish, etc.) person who ‘might’ be deemed the new ‘anti-social’ and thus ‘the other’ and ‘suspect’.

A step further and you might up with ‘the enemy’. One must call the enemy, the enemy, but not your next door neighbor going to Church (because you see it as extremism), or a Jew wearing a Tallis or Tefillin (because they look weird).

Wake Up America!

because it is happening right now all over America

*written but not posted earlier


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