23 October 2011

La Reconquista

La Reconquista ...

No, this is not about Palestinians wanting to reclaim parts of Eretz Yisrael (with a spanish accent) ... it is about the

Hispanicization of America

"American students now pledge allegiance to Mexico. They sing its national anthem. And it is sanctioned by the state of Texas. Sound absurd? It is. Last month in a Spanish class at Achieve Early College High School in McAllen, Texas, students recited the Mexican pledge of allegiance and were instructed to memorize the Mexican anthem. Moreover, they had to wear red, white and green - the colors of the Mexican flag - as they fulfilled their class assignment. Public high schools no longer promote American patriotism, but they are doing a superb job of cultivating loyalty to Mexico.

"Moreover, this is part of the Hispanicization of America. Since 1990, nearly 20 million illegal aliens have crossed our porous southern border. If one adds legal immigration, the foreign-born population is nearly 40 million. America essentially has imported an entire subculture the size of a major European nation. This is the most dramatic cultural transformation in one generation in history. Our political class is engaged in a dangerous social experiment - one that threatens to destroy our country.

"[T]he Mexican government has been open about its expansionist aims. Its consulates in America have a mandate to provide Mexican textbooks in communities with large Hispanic populations. The Mexican consulate in Los Angeles has distributed hundreds of thousands of such textbooks to more than 1,000 schools in the Los Angeles area alone. Those textbooks teach that the Southwest, California and Texas belong to Mexico; that they were stolen in the 1848 Mexican-American War; and that Hispanic children owe allegiance to the Mexican flag and the Mexican state. In Mexico City and among radical Hispanic activists in America, the strategy is called “La Reconquista” - the reconquest of ancient lands."

It seems that there is a world wide movement to reclaim former land that some nations lost in war. the Palestinian aspirations are alive and well in Mexico according to the above article. If Mexico does gain control over parts of the United States, it will no longer be correct to call it the United States of America.

Maybe the United States of Mexico ... OR

"A Russian academic has long since predicted that the United States would fall apart. In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage: America 'Disintegrates' ... Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar."

Well, Igor, maybe you're on to something. The forecast doesn't look too good for the US.

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