04 June 2010

Why?, Oh Why?

Dear Sweet Israelis,

An injustice has been done to you.

Your children have not learned Jewish History, history not of the past 60 years, but from Avraham Avinu's time.

You need to learn our long, long history to realize why this is all coming upon the People of Israel.

What matters is not entirely how brave the army is, although this is important. All the Israelis are brave, that is not the issue.

Our history is in the Five Chumashim and in the Tanach. The educational system of Israel has lacked cohesive classes on why we exist, who are the Jewish People, where did they come from, who are our cousin-nation, what happened in the family of man that his lingered until this day, festering and boiling all these thousands of years.

We are witnessing an eruption, the scope of which is like the whistling teapot at full boil.

This is all I can write now, as it is Erev Shabbos and there is much to do.

(the above picture is traveling the internet, with a couple more that capture more than a thousand words)

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Lars Shalom said...
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