06 June 2010

Listen to What a Vicious Hypocrite Says:

Erdogan wants to re-create the Ottoman Empire, so I guess he'll be in the news more often now:

"Repeating his harsh words .... “If you do not understand it in Turkish I will say it in English: You shall not kill,” he ... also said the same phrase in Hebrew..." ..........“They even slaughtered 19-year-old Furkan. They did not even care for the babies in the cradle,”

(baby?? ... they start young raising shahids ... usually as real babies, with a bomb-belt strapped to their tummies, with their mothers crying, "my little shahid, my little martyr")


What about all the Jewish babies and children that those terrorists in Gaza kill??
And all the Missiles flying thru the air aimed at children in schools!
What about all the Jewish mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, babies that have been killed since BEFORE 1948, like in 1929, or even earlier than that??
What about all the Jews slaughtered in buses, homes, Sabarro, and hotels in Israel??

The Highest Hypocrite Award Goes to:
(and he wasn't a member of those fanatical British Singing 'boys' with the long hair)

1 comment:

yaak said...

Not to mention the Armenians and Kurds the Turks have killed in the past century.

Vaera - Seeing Signs of Redemption

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