09 June 2010

Ominous ...

Ominous = –adjective
portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening;inauspicious: ominous dark clouds.
having the significance of an omen.

Iran's Gaza-bound ships ready for clash with Israel - Ahmadinejad Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad assured Turkish leaders whom he met in Istanbul Tuesday, Jan. 8 that Iranian "aid" vessels heading for Gazan waters within days will not shrink from a head-on clash with Israel.

Erdogan's Three Follow-up Scenarios … More and bigger Turkish ships to raise the challenge to Israel

Osama bin Laden and top aides are hiding in Sabzevar, Iran … Osama bin Laden's hiding place for the last five years was pinned down Monday, June 7 by Middle East sources as the mountainous town of Savzevar in the northeastern Iranian province of Khorasan.

Israel, Turkey, Gaza in covert sea war. Hamas frogmen thwarted … Israeli commandos intercepted Hamas frogmen heading for a large-scale seaborne attack on an Israeli target

Turkish troops deployed in Cyprus, top intelligence ranks Islamized … sources disclose [Erdogan’s] funding of the IHH terrorist group's purchase of 8-10 large vessels for more Gaza flotillas … secretly replaced professional intelligence and security chiefs with Islamist cronies

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