22 March 2010

Divide and Conquer is Back in the Picture


*Clinton Tells AIPAC: Building for Jews in Jerusalem Bad for US

*Former Obama Aide New Head of AIPAC

*Israel's New Enemy: America?

"Enemy: "a person who feels hatred for, fosters harmful designs against, or engages in antagonistic activities against another; an adversary or opponent." —

Cal Thomas at Arutz 7:

Despite Vice President Joe Biden's recent pledge of unswerving fidelity to Israel during his recent visit there, the rhetoric and pressure directed by the Obama administration against the only fully functioning democracy in the Middle East more accurately resembles the behavior of an enemy.

Increasingly under this administration — but also present in Republican administrations — America's policy toward Israel is full of "harmful designs" and "antagonistic activities."

The intentions may not be deliberate, but the outcome would lead to the same injurious end …. "U.S. Pushes Netanyahu to Accept 3 Demands" … “Hamas has called on Palestinians to launch a third "intifada." … “What part of annihilation does the State Department not understand?

What State is blind to is that the "Israeli-Palestinian conflict," as it is erroneously labeled, is part of a worldwide religious war against all things Jewish, Christian, secular, modern and Western.” Full article

I’m not a big fan of Pipes, but


Daniel Pipes in his well known 2001 article, The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem, asks:

1. The city being of such evidently minor religious importance (to Islam), why does it now loom so large for Muslims, to the point that a Muslim Zionism seems to be in the making across the Muslim world? Why do Palestinian demonstrators take to the streets shouting “We will sacrifice our blood and souls for you, Jerusalem” and their brethren in Jordan yell “We sacrifice our blood and soul for Al-Aqsa”? Why does King Fahd of Saudi Arabia call on Muslim states to protect “the holy city [that] belongs to all Muslims across the world”? Why did two surveys of American Muslims find Jerusalem their most pressing foreign policy issue?

and answers simply"

1. Because of politics. An historical survey shows that the stature of the city, and the emotions surrounding it, inevitably rises for Muslims when Jerusalem has political significance. Conversely, when the utility of Jerusalem expires, so does its status and the passions about it.

and then states:

“Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion (which usually means Jerusalem, sometimes the Land of Israel) 154 times, or 823 times in all. The Christian Bible mentions Jerusalem 154 times and Zion 7 times. In contrast, the columnist Moshe Kohn notes, Jerusalem and Zion appear as frequently in the Qur'an "as they do in the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, the Taoist Tao-Te Ching, the Buddhist Dhamapada and the Zoroastrian Zend Avesta"—which is to say, not once.” MEQuarterly

Another perspective sheds more light:

Leo Rennert at American Thinker:

According to the NYT, the acrimonious ten-day confrontation between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is over -- with each side claiming victory….

Upon review ….

The sudden crisis in U.S.-Israel relations can be divided into two parts -- the first involving a major Israeli screw-up, the second involving a much bigger Obama screw-up….

The fuse was lit when Vice President Biden was blindsided by an announcement from Israel's Interior Ministry that an interim approval was given to proposed plans for the addition of 1,600 apartment units in Ramat Shlomo -- an ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhood in northeast Jerusalem….Biden was furious…. [but 48 hrs later Biden was relieved].

Part two: Enter Hilary Clinton!

Remember Who said What? ”never let a serious crisis go to waste”.

This analysis is the beginning of a diabolical plan by the US for a “regime change” in Israeli politics

CLINTON: Analysis - Blundering toward Disaster JPost and CLINTON to AIPAC Conference: “criticism necessary between friends [this is the beginning of her pressure on AIPAC to oppose Bibi].

Meanwhile, in Pharaonic fashion, the vise-grip on the Jews in America seems to be at a precipice to enslave the people while at the same time the squeeze for a regime change is aimed at Jerusalem

[verb: to hold, press, or squeeze with or as with a vise]

Their myopic viewpoint of claiming Israeli cities and communities as 'settlements' might soon include more and more homes of our brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces & nephews, grandparents, and newly discovered Lost Tribes as being "settlers" and living in "settlements" and in violation of palestinian savagery [G-d forbid].

See also:

Cognitive 'Settlement' Dissonance

1 comment:

Hasya Ya'ara said...


Thank you so much for your kindness and for your sweet words.

They are much appreciated.

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