13 December 2009

Home Again, Home Again ...

The Jews of Yemen ... an Update

The 70-odd Jews of Sana'a Josh Berer befriended are themselves refugees from persecution in Raida, in the north. As the remainder of the Jews flee for the US and Israel, those in Sana'a, sustained by government handouts, are likely to be the last Jews to remain in the country.

"In Yemen we spent the vast majority of our time with the last community of Yemenite Jews. I was working on a project of recording folklore, the stories of the last Jews of the oldest diaspora in the world. Over the coming months I will be translating those stories and slowly putting them online. However, I could not post anything on this blog about our experiences and the friendships we made, because the government keeps a very close watch on those who have contacts with the Jews, and we promised and swore that we were not journalists. Things could have been bad had I posted pictures and stories before we had actually left the country."

Read more at Jewish Refugees: Precious record of Yemen Jews' vanishing lifestyle.

You can read more about one of ancient Israel's tribes and see other pictures at Josh's blog (link above) : nomad out of time: A journal of Islamic art, Yemen, linguistics, and a life of wandering

We need Josh or someone like him and Rachael to do a photo essay of the Jews lost in Afghanistan among the Pathans and Pashtuns.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I cannot wait to read these future posts and stories.

The photos show what an amazing and beautiful people they are.

My bread machine is a Toastmaster. It has a non-stick tub, and my sister does not remember what she baked in it. It had been over a year since she used it.

Thank you for your kindness to investigate if it can be kashered.


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