11 March 2009

Segulos for Taanis Esther and Purim

My connection was down and was not able to post this. Save it for next year. However, in Yerushalayim it is still Purim:

Segulos for Purim
Reprinted from Zchus Avos

Taanis Esther
The Sefer Kav HaYosher says the following: Taanis Esther is a day that is very auspicious for one’s prayers to be answered in the merit of Mordechai and Esther. Whoever needs mercy for any particular need should put aside time for themselves and do the following: first, recite Chapter 22 in Tehillim. Then, pour out your heart to Hashem and ask for all your needs and mention the merit of Mordechai and Esther (whose merits saved us from Haman). The Gates of Mercy will be opened and your prayers will be accepted beratzon.

In addition to one’s own personal prayers, in their own words, there are additional special prayers for Taanis Esther/Purim from Likutei Tefilos (pages 100-106).

The following are from Segulas Yisrael quoted by Segulas HaBesShT V’Talmidov.

The Baal Shem Tov says one should get up early Purim morning and say many prayers and entreaties before Hashem for anything he or his relatives need, because the day is a very special time and all the “worlds” are happy and beratzon, and “whoever sticks out his hand we give.” This refers to those collecting money, though here it refers to us sticking our hand out to Hashem asking for His help.

Reb Tzvi Hirsch of Zidachov says whoever drinks on Purim it is as if he fasted from Shabbos to Shabbos and it is a segula to sweeten harsh judgments.

I don’t know the exact source, but I have heard it said that the Purim seuda is a very special opportunity for one to pray for their needs just like Esther made her request by the seuda.

It is also brought down from the Rashash and other mekubalim that the main Purim seuda should be eaten in the morning, before chatzos. While this might not be a practical time for many, you can at least wash for some bread and have a small meal in addition to the afternoon seuda. Like this, you will cover all bases and have an extra auspicious time for tefilla by having two seudas.

A Happy Purim to all. May Hashem answer all your tefillos and all the tefillos of Am Yisrael in the Zchus of Mordechai and Esther. Amen.

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