03 February 2025


After a relatively dry January, forecasters are predicting a significant storm, which will hit Israel on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Winds 🌬🎐are expected to reach up to100 kilometers per hour. However, the amount of precipitation the storm will bring is not expected to be significant.

Temperatures will rise slightly Monday, mostly inland and in the mountains, but on Tuesday, temperatures will drop and there will be local rainfall ☔⛈🌦🌦🌧in northern and ☔⛈central Israel. ☔⛈🌧

Wednesday will see intermittent rainfall from northern Israel to the northern Negev, with isolated thunderstorms.⛈ In most areas of Israel, harsh winds will blow, and in southern Israel there may be haze. 

There is a slight chance of πŸŒŠ flooding in the 🌊 Judean Desert and πŸŒŠDead Sea areas. Temperatures will drop significantly, especially inland and in the mountains. Snow will fall on Mount Hermon. The rain will increase on Wednesday night. ❄❅❆⛄🌨

Thursday will see snowstorms on Mount Hermon, in the northern Golan Heights, and in the Golanmountains with altitudes of over 1,000 meters.

Shalom Pollack: Tiyul to Chevron REGISTER NOW!

 We will visit Chevron as you have not experienced before.

An in-depth tour of the Maarat Hamachpela.

Visit the tombs of Yishai and Ruth above the excavated remains of Chevron of Avraham Avinu.
Visit the renewed old Jewish neighborhood with the rebuilt famous Avraham Avinu shul

Visit the most extensive  Chevron museum, in the historic "Bet Hadassah " compound,  including a multimedia, kinetic presentation.

Visit a recently redeemed property; witness the expansion of Jewish presence in the old Jewish areas and meet the pioneers who are writing our history today.

Visit a hilltop farm in the  Chevron Hills and meet the pioneers preserving Eretz Yisrael for Am Yisrael.

We will have a delicious dairy lunch together at the very popular "Cafe Ronel"

The cafe sits atop a hill offering an exquisite view of the Chevron HillsThe owners are "gere tzedek" from  Holland and, If we are lucky they will share with us the dramatic personal story of their path to Hashem and Am Yisrael. (and the hill upon which they live )

Harav Moshe Cohen, Rav of the  Har Chevron district issues the  mehadrin hechsher

Our bus will depart at 8:30 from the Inbal hotel and return approx. 5:00. 
300 shekels including lunch and all entrance fees.

Please reserve (and commit) early. 
On our last tour, I had  to turn late registrants away


Hiking the Holyland: See Wildflowers in the Wilderness Now!


Public Service Announcement: Flower season has officially arrived!

Yesterday, we hiked a section of the Israel Trail towards Pura Nature Reserve, and boy, was it spectacular. So spectacular, in fact, that I decided to go ahead and send out this newsletter before writing my weekly hike post (a post about an epic desert hike can wait a week!)

Please get out there and go flower peeping this month!  Down below, you'll find links to articles about some of the best places to go on a flower hike in Israel.  

But first, this Friday we'll be heading to Maresha and Beit Guvrin with the Singles Outdoors Club! 

This is one of the best spots in the country to see red anemones.  No guarantees, but I'm guessing that they will be starting to make an appearance on this Friday's hike.

Aside from spotting flowers, you'll get to enjoy a fun hike in a cool landscape on a beautiful day.  And don't we all need a little bit of nature therapy these days?

If you are single and love hiking, come and join our awesome group on this beautiful adventurethis Friday, February 7th!  If you know someone who might like to join, please pass on the info.  For full details and to sign up, click on this link.

 Also coming up, on February 21st, we'll host a young Singles Hike, co-hosted by Tova Weinberg of Saw You at Sinai and Jodi Samuels of JIC Israel at Sataf in the Jerusalem Mountains.  This easy hike is for singles ages 20-45, is easily accessible by public transportation, and includes a delicious breakfast before we hit the trail!

Get more info and sign up right here.

If you aren't single, don't worry, we have more flower hikes coming up for you.  In two weeks time, on Sunday, February 16th, we'll be heading back down to Pura to hike a 17 kilometer stretch of the Israel Trail from there to Dvir. 
This segment is known to be the best part for flower peeping during peak season.  Come along and join us!

And if you want to go on a group hike to see flowers, but want a shorter hike, reply to this email to let me know and I'll try to put something together for you :)

I promised some posts about flower hikes and here they are:

February Hike Tips: See the Flowers!


February Flower Peeping in Israel

Now, get out and go flower peeping!

Keep on Trekkin',

Can Trump Really Save the Middle East?

Can Trump Really Save the Middle East? Mike Huckabee Weighs In 


  now, we Torah Shomer Shabbos Jews believe ONLY Hashem (God) can save anyone, let alone Eretz Yisrael, but this is an interesting conversation.

The Yahrtzeit of the Sfas Emes Χ”' Χ©Χ‘Χ˜ - Even Commemorated in the Holocaust


Dvar Torah of the Baba Sali on His Yahrtzeit - Χ“' Χ©Χ‘Χ˜


Spreading Torah Across the Globe

Spreading Torah Across the Globe" with R' Daniel Glatstein & R' Yosef Mendoza in Conversation 

Netanyahu's New Public Relations Advisor.....

Caroline Glick was born in Houston, and her family relocated to Chicago when she was an infant, where she grew up in the Jewish neighborhood of Hyde Park. She graduated from Columbia College at Columbia University in 1991 with a Bachelor of Arts in political science.

During her teenage years, she traveled with her parents and siblings, and it was on one of these trips that she first visited Israel, coinciding with the start of the First Lebanon War. Later that same year, in 1991, Glick made Aliyah and enlisted in the IDF.

In its Israeli Independence Day supplement in 2003, the newspaper Maariv named Glick the most prominent woman in Israel.

In 2003, during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Glick was embedded with the US Army’s 3rd Infantry Division and filed frontline reports for both The Jerusalem Post and the Chicago Sun-Times. She also reported daily from the front lines for Israel’s Channel 1 news. Glick was on the ground when US forces captured the Baghdad International Airport. For her battlefield reporting, she was honored with the Distinguished Civilian Service Award from the US Secretary of the Army.

In 2011, Glick harshly criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu in the aftermath of the Gilad Shalit prisoners’ exchange deal. The piece, which appeared on the News12 website, accused Netanyahu of being a weak leader who gave in to the manipulations of Israel’s extremist and defeatist media. Glick went on to describe Netanyahu as, at best, someone who lacked resolve, and at worst, as an immoral, strategically irresponsible, foolish, and opportunistic politician.

In January 2019, Glick joined Naftali Bennett’s New Right party. She ran unsuccessfully for a seat in the Knesset in the April 2019 elections, securing the sixth spot on the party’s electoral list. None of them made it past the threshold vote in that round.

Article and photo:

02 February 2025

TEVET: Jews NOW have the right to purchase property in the Land of Israel

Report from REGAVIM

A win for justice: 

Jews have the right to purchase property in the Land of Israel

For many years we’ve been waging a legal battle to strike down racist legislation imposed by Jordan in 1953: Unfathomable as it may seem, the law prohibiting the sale of property in Judea and Samaria to Jews remains in force – upheld by the judicial system of the State of Israel to this very day.

We congratulate MK Moshe Solomon and the co-Chairs of the Knesset Land of Israel Caucus MKs Yuli Edelstein, Limor Son Har-Melech and Simcha Rothman, for galvanizing a broad consensus of legislators to advance legislation striking down this racist relic of illegal Jordanian occupation.

Naomi Kahn explains in this Kol Yisrael interview >>> or read coverage in English or Spanish.


Month of intensive work in the Knesset

This past month we participated in two hearings of the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee regarding the national referendum law – specifically, an amendment that will shut the door to a Palestinian terror state in the heart of Israel.

In the Interior and Environmental Protection Committee’s hearings on illegal construction in east Jerusalem, as well as a discussion of the plans for a new Modiin Ilit access road.

In the Negev and Galilee Committee, we discussed plans for a new airport in the Negev, the Nevatim Airport, as well as the scourge of protection rackets.

We held important discussions with Minister for Settlement Affairs and National Missions, MK Orit Strock, in which we discussed planning policy, and recorded a new installment in our podcast series, this time a conversation with Minister Amichai Chikli.

Watch Avraham Binyamin, Director of Regavim’s Policy and Parliamentary Affairs Division, in action>>>



The choice is yours:

Dive deep into the issues with Regavim, in Hebrew or English

The seventh Regavim “Feet on the Ground” podcast is on the air, and it’s as insighful and engageing as the previous six. Coming soon: video podcast! Check out the audio library here >>>.

If you prefer your Regavim content served in English, check out our growing library of webinars here >>> -  – and sign up to receive registration links for upcoming webinars here >>> . The English language format also has some innovative surprises and updates in store


Protecting Israel's Resources

Preserving Israeli Sovereignty

Another Miracle B”H

 A Stray Dog Saves The Lives Of IDF Soldiers In Jenin

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — In Parshas Bo we read that the dogs received a reward to eat Treifos (animals found to be non-kosher) because they did not bark during the final plague- Makas Bechoros. This was deemed a miracle, since the the plague occurred at night when they are accustomed to barking and involved the Angel of Death- another cause for dogs to bark.

A soldier returning from Jenin, where the IDF is operating against numerous terrorist groups, stated that a stray dog had miraculously saved his life and the lives of his friends. While they were occupied with arrests in the town of Jenin, the dog tugged at the feet of Aharon (Choni).

“A stray dog in Jenin approached me while we were in the middle of an arrest operation. It tugged at my pants, and I couldn’t understand what it wanted. I followed it, and suddenly, the dog led me to a blanket,” Choni recounted. “We lifted it, and to our shock, we discovered a massive explosive device.”

“The soldier, who came to say HaGomel, presented worshippers with a photo of the explosive device and a picture of the dog, sharing that they had brought the dog back with them to Israel.”


Chacham [name redacted], a Kabbala teacher who has many of his shiurim posted on youtube, often quoted that a neshama might be sent into body of a dog as a punishment to fix certain sins. Hashem Yishmor. [Please see the youtube yourself, as the Rav protests against being quoted. And insists noboby should accept any quotes in his name -especially from annonymous posts at a chat room πŸ˜‰ ]. I did not hear from the rav anything about this particular story. And as far as we know, the dog may have been just a dog. But if you enjoy mystical speculation, then perhaps pray and give tzedaka for all the Jewish neshamot to be fixed.

Cygnets, Goslings, Ducklings and Chicks


What is Hyssop? The Israelites used the hyssop.....

The Israelites were to dip hyssop in the blood and sprinkle it on the posts and upper part of the door (Ex. 12:22).  Shemos, when HKB"H..... "at Midnight" Passed Over....

What is hyssop? Rashi states that “it is a type of herb that has thin stalks”. Rashi, Shemot 12:23 It is not the most impressive appearing of plants. It is small and it grows in walls and amidst its cracks. The Midrash states, “The hyssop does not appear to be much of anything to a person. But its strength appears great before Hashem who compares it to the mighty and towering Cedar tree.” The Midrash quotes from the Book of Kings, First Book of Kings, 5:13, “And he (King Solomon) spoke of the trees from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of the wall.” Shemot Raba 17:2

Although the hyssop might seem lowly and diminutive, it is actually of great significance. 

In Parashat Bo, during the ‘Pesach Mitzrayim,’ the first Passover Sacrifice during the exodus from Egypt, the people of Israel were commanded to dip its blood with the hyssop from a basin and place it upon their front door posts. The seemingly unimportant hyssop plant was part of the process of the redemption from Egypt. The Midrash states that through the hyssop which is the lowest of plants, Israel was redeemed. Midrash Raba 17:

It is also part of the procedure of the reunion of one smitten with the skin affliction of Tzaraat, with the community of Israel. After an enforced separation for seven days, a Kohen takes two birds, cedar wood, a crimson of wool, and hyssop. One bird is slaughtered in an earthenware vessel over spring water and the affected individual is sprinkled seven times with the blood. (Vayikra 14:5-8) In one case, the hyssop helps purify the individual Jew as part of a process in order to reunite with the community and in the other it helps purify the Jewish nation from the impurity of Egypt exile upon their exodus. 

The Jews are a small nation but also one with a special message and purpose. The Midrash states, “Even though that you are lowly, (former enslaved nation), like the hyssop, the Torah states (at Mount Sinai) that “You are to Me treasured among the nations.” Shemot Raba 17:3 

From an historical perspective: in a world of empires that rise and fall, the tiny Jewish nation, which is today just 0.2% of the current world’s population, survives and thrives despite all obstacles and challenges. 

The Midrash also states that the hyssop, “Small and great are equal before Hashem and small things make miracles.”Shemot Raba 17:2 Small items like the hyssop also have important roles. Hashem determines what’s important. Appearances can be deceiving. 

All is from Hashem. As Bnei Yisrael were exiting Egypt, a small appearing plant had a role in the observance of Passover that year and in the redemption; a small plant whose importance is immeasurable. 

There is much to appreciate from the hyssop.


*WIKI:  Wild Marjoram is a common species. It grows in most Mediterranean parts of Israel, in fallow land, bathas and garigues, on limestone and chalk rocks. Its global distribution spreads over the countries east of the Mediterranean Sea. It is accepted that this species is indeed the hyssop mentioned in the Bible.

*A good source to learn about the species of Hyssops:   We need however an Israeli source on the Hyssop Plant(s) to be sure.

*During the days before Pesach, when I was shopping in the Jerusalem Shuk, a lady handed me a bundle of a "plant". I did not recognize it, and didn't know what it was and what it was used for. Now I know she gave me a bundle of hyssop!

Rioters violently assault Jewish shepherds in Gush Etzion ....NEAR JERUSALEM AND BEIT SHEMESH

 See where these brazen terrorists are scouting out the Shomron to attack Jews

Kashuala Farm Half an hour from Jerusalem 20 minutes from Beit Shemesh.

A young shepherd from the Kashuala Farm in Gush Etzion was moderately injured when Arab rioters attacked him and another shepherd.

Ten Arab rioters assaulted two Jewish shepherds from the Kashuala Farm in Gush Etzion with clubs and rocks on Saturday in the grazing fields near the community of Gvaot.

The violent incident lasted about three hours, during which the shepherds' lives were in danger. Security forces arrived at the scene after an hour.

As a result, a 19-year-old shepherd suffered serious head injuries from rocks that were thrown at him. He was evacuated in moderate condition to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.

After security forces arrived at the scene, they chased the assailants, most of whom managed to flee, but two were arrested.

The assault joins a series of similar attacks that took place in the pastures of the Kashuala Farm recently. The farmers have been tending their flocks in the area for 13 years and suffer from repetitive harassment from rioters.

The farm stated: "We strongly condemn the violent attack and expect the police and IDF to bring those responsible to justice. Shepherds can't live in constant fear for their lives while doing their job."

The Hashomer Yosh security organization stated: "We are shocked by the rising violence in the pasturelands in Judea and Samaria, repetitive attacks on shepherds are not acceptable and they must be stopped immediately. This severe incident emphasizes the urgent need to take significant steps to protect the shepherds. Israel must increase the presence of the security forces in the pasturelands, toughen the punishment of the assailants, and work to eliminate the terrorism against the farmers."

[they're coming to a home near you!! arm yourselves!]


Cafe Hike at Kashuela Farm

Rabbi Weissman: The Female IDF Lookout ….

 The female IDF lookout who isn't a state celebrity

And the case of the missing Hatzalah sweatshirt

he following is a repost from March 21, 2024. It's about a female IDF lookout by the name of Roni Eshel, who wasn't fortunate enough to become a celebrity and get paraded around. Her parents are not being feted by the state; in fact, her father has repeatedly accused the state of concealing information, being deceitful, and treating bereaved parents with contempt. See here for one English report.

Her story was never given the attention it deserved, and has largely been forgotten by the brainwashers and the brainwashed alike, because her story is inconvenient.

Also keep in mind the recent admission by the IDF that they knew there was a strong likelihood of a major attack and hostage-taking on the eve of October 7, but chose not to take decisive action lest they compromise a vital intelligence source. This is yet another ridiculous lie, as we should have understood all along, and which is further underscored by this recording.

Here is the repost:

Explosive recordings of Roni Eshel, an IDF surveillance girl (Tatzpitanit) stationed on the border with Gaza on October 7, were just released. For nearly 6 hours she sent report after report of the hordes of terrorists surging across the border that she witnessed with her own eyes, until she was brutally murdered.

Anyone who still believes this was an intelligence failure is demonstrating an actual intelligence failure and might as well board the next train to Auschwitz.

Read the Hebrew article here, audio recording embedded below.


(Notice the "with unity we will win" propaganda embedded in the Channel 12 video.)


May Hashem avenge Roni's blood not just from the people who actually murdered her, but from all those who deliberately let it happen.

If you disagree, your daughter can sign up to become a Tatzpitanit at


WEF young leader Eli Beer writes: "Among the crowds during the hostage release, a Palestinian in Gaza was seen wearing a United Hatzalah sweatshirt. Important to note, he is not a United Hatzalah volunteer. According to our investigation, it was probably stolen on October 7th from one of the homes of our volunteers in the different communities surrounding Gaza. There's no security concern here, but it's important to be aware of it."

I'd love to know the details of that "investigation".

Because, you know, if I was a terrorist invading Israel on October 7, and figured I'd have plenty of time to loot before the IDF showed up, many hours in fact, I'd definitely grab the Hatzalah sweatshirt.

Also recall the highly suspicious activities of a “Hatzalah guy” moments before the Meron massacre.

VIDEO Screenshot, go to LINK below to view

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After a relatively dry January, forecasters are predicting a significant storm, which will hit Israel on Wednesday and Thursday this week. W...