05 March 2025

Women’s Leadership

There is a high demand for combat roles among women in the November-December 2023 draft (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

 Is this the Israeli version of the Kurdish Women in Combat Leadership??

Women’s leadership: Key to addressing Israel’s crises- opinion

It’s time women have the authority to shape policies that prevent the next crisis before it’s too late....

too late for what?

The past year has been one of the most challenging in Israel’s history, particularly for women and especially for female students. An entire generation of women has been forced to navigate an impossible reality.

Women’s leadership

Students have shouldered the responsibility for their families while their partners were repeatedly called up for reserve duty; young women have struggled to make ends meet while juggling studies and an unforgiving economic climate; and mothers of students have been left without support, with the higher education system failing to make the necessary adjustments.

Women have played every conceivable role in this war, even if public discourse has rarely reflected it. They have fought on the front lines, led relief efforts, supported families, continued their studies, and maintained their jobs under impossible conditions – and yet their contributions have been largely unrecognized.

Over 60,000 women have served on reserve duty, including thousands of combat soldiers who played an active role on the battlefield. Thousands of mothers left their children behind to fulfill their military obligations, managing their households from afar.

Others bore the entire burden alone – raising children under fire while maintaining their careers and financial stability. While male reservists received widespread acknowledgment and support, women who served in the same roles remained invisible – as is reflected in both the recognition and assistance they received.

If there is one pattern that has repeated itself throughout this crisis, it is Israel’s reliance on emergency management.

There is no long-term planning and no infrastructure in place to prevent systemic failure – only last-minute, makeshift solutions that allow the system to “survive” until the next inevitable collapse. And so we must ask: Why do we keep making the same mistakes? Why do we insist on repeating a failed approach?

The answer is simple: For years, Israel’s political and administrative systems have been dominated by the same outdated mindsets: short-sighted, reactive, and tactical rather than strategic. 

Women have been shut out of decision-making circles, and that is precisely why the country continues to repeat its failures.

The conversation about women’s leadership cannot be reduced to representation alone. The question is not whether there will be more women around the government’s decision-making table, but whether Israel will embrace a different leadership approach – one that goes beyond reactive crisis management and instead builds the structural foundations to prevent future crises altogether.

We already know that women in leadership handle crises differently because they tend to lead with a systemic perspective and long-term vision. 

Women consider the full spectrum of consequences that their decisions may have, rather than focusing solely on immediate reactions. They listen, plan, carefully weigh their next steps, and act with a broad understanding of the realities on the ground. This isn’t just theory.

It is backed by research and data. From countries led by women during the COVID-19 pandemic to the responsible economic management of women in key financial roles, time and again, female leadership has been proven to create stability, prevent collapse, and foster long-term planning.

This is precisely what Israel is missing in 2024: leadership that doesn’t merely put out fires but prevents them from igniting in the first place.

This applies across all sectors, from economic crises to the healthcare system. Women are the ones carrying the weight of these crises on their shoulders, yet they lack the power to change how they are managed. While women take charge in wartime – whether in combat, on the home front, or in the workforce – they have remained sidelined when it comes to shaping national policy. Will women be given a seat at the table just to create a more “diverse” picture, or will they be granted the mandate to lead and drive real change?

In this war, women have stood on the front lines in every sense, on the battlefield, in the workforce, in their homes, and in academia. They have led, sustained the economy, and raised children under fire. Women do not need symbolic “representation.” They need real power.

Every male soldier is brought into this world from a mother, from a woman. 

Without this birthrate there are insufficient male soldiers. 

And you know what that means, especially as recruitment for 

religious men and women increases, it means 

LESS RELIGIOUS MEN AND WOMEN. Is this their target?

The state must recognize that reserve duty is not just assigned to soldiers – it mobilizes entire families. It’s time women have the authority to shape policies that prevent the next crisis, before it’s too late.


The writer, SIVAN KOREN, is chair of the National Union of Israeli Students.


A well crafted psychic' article to lure women’s minds to serve on the battlefield! 

But which battlefield?

The Torah (our blueprint to life) mandates the role of the female, chava, 

Hashem created on the sixth day with Adam, to procreate and fill the Earth. 

And at Sinai it was mandated that we Israelites/Yehudim to be follow 

the strict laws of Halacha. Men go out into the world and women tend 

to the home and child rearing. This is the balance envisioned by G-d 

to enable the world to run smoothly. 

The ‘State’ does not replace G-d chv”s!

The Leftist Ideology and World Outlook

 They’re not Palestinians, but AR@BS, Syrians, Iraqis, Ammonites of Lebanon, *ISHMAELITES

Avida Bachar lost his wife, his 15-year-old son, and one of his legs in Hamas’s massacre on Kibbutz Be’eri on October 7.

Like many other left-wing Israelis, he also no longer holds left-wing views about his Arab neighbors. But Bachar went a step further than many others, realizing that his former political views were not only faulty but came at the expense of his fellow Jews. As YWN reported in December, Bachar even said that it’s lucky that the October 7 massacre happened at Be’eri and not in Gush Etzion, saying: “I would have said, ‘Why do they live there?’ I might have said, ‘They deserve it.’ I would have said all the worst things in the world.”

Recently, Bachar warned that the danger terror groups pose to yishuvim in Yehuda and Shomron is much deeper than the Israeli public is willing to believe, saying that the situation is much more similar to the situation in Gaza than we imagine.

Speaking in an interview with TOV, Bacher said, referring to Palestinians in Gaza: “Take their land away. Take their land, don’t blink. Push them into Egypt…And if you think it’s better in Yehudah and Shomron? The answer is no. I’ll tell you a secret – under the hospital in Jenin there are exactly the same tunnels as under Shifa [hospital in Gaza]. Exactly the same. We’re burying our heads in the sand right now. They say: ‘No, it can’t be, we’re in control of the situation.'”

“You don’t know when it will be, you have no idea. Because always remember that a volcano will erupt again. When? You won’t know. But it will happen. I’m telling you it will happen if we don’t get rid of them.”

“I suffered endless torture in the bomb shelter for 12 hours. Next to me was my wife, who was murdered in the afternoon, and my son who was murdered around 4:30 p.m. I am a leftist who has been betrayed. A betrayed leftist is a murderer. He doesn’t see clearly. He has no compassion for anything. That’s what happened to me on October 7 – I turned into a betrayed leftist and I have zero compassion for anyone.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

* so says “ Mosab Hassan Yousef, also known as the Son Of Hamas [the name of the book he authored], the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef”

 “As Long As You Call Them Palestinians, The Problem Won’t Be Solved”

Rebbetzen Tziporah: BIG EVENT WEDNESDAY sign up

 Dear friends,

This week we’re talking about the bigdei kehunah—the eight highly detailed clothes the kohen gadol wore, and the four that the ordinary Kohanim wore in the Mishkan. An interesting fact is that they could only begin being kohanim and do the avodah through which they were able to generate real changes in the fate of the entire people once they put on the begadim. 

The obvious truth is, they weren’t just clothes. They were identity.  They are also referred to as kavod and teferet. Kavod, which means honor, is one of the ten names of the soul. Everyone needs kavod, a sense of living a significant life, and playing a real role, one that can’t be replaced.  Every time a Kohen put them on, he wasn’t just getting dressed—he was stepping into who he was meant to be. The clothing reminded him: This is who I am. This is my purpose. This is how I bring Hashem into the world. Being a kohen is defined as being both a leader and a servant. That is who I am.

And that’s really the whole point of the Mishkan itself. Hashem didn’t just want a physical space. No physical space could possibly be relevant unless He (miraculously) made it so. He wanted to show us what it means to carry holiness inside ourselves. The specifics all have significance and carry messages that are individually important, but the message that says it all is that each of us can be a place where Hashem can live in the world He created, the lowest of all possible worlds.

We don’t have the Mishkan anymore. It is hidden. We don’t have the Beit Hamikdash. One of the differences between the Mishkan and the Bais HaMikdash is that while the mishkan was holy beyond anything words can adequately express, the place where it stood was not. The torah lists 42 places that the Jews in the desert stopped on their journey to Eretz Yisrael. Each one demanded that the mishkan be re-erected. The place where the Mikdash was built, Yerushalaim, was holy from the time of the world’s beginning, and it still is. We do have Yerushalayim. The garments of the kohenim that are narrated in the parshah tell you both who you are and who you can be.

1) Kutonet (Tunic)
The layer closest to your skin.
This is about who you are when no one’s looking — your honesty with yourself. Your private thoughts, your integrity, your quiet kindness that no one ever sees. Real identity starts from the inside out.

2) Michnasayim (Pants)
Covering your most human, physical side.
This reminds you that being holy isn’t about denying you’re human — it’s about bringing holiness into the physical, into the messy, regular parts of life. How do you eat? How do you scroll? How do you handle your frustrations? That’s where holiness begins.

3) Avnet (Belt)
A long, wrapped belt around the center of the body.
The belt held everything together — heart, mind, action. It’s a reminder to align your values with your behavior. It’s so easy to say you believe in something, but living it? That takes constant wrapping and re-wrapping.

4) Mitznefet (Turban)
On top of your head — right above your thoughts.
The mitznefet reminds you to think higher. What’s on your mind most of the time? What do you dream about? What do you worry about? Holiness starts in your head, with the thoughts you let live there.

5) Choshen (Breastplate)
Over the heart, holding the names of every tribe.
This is about carrying people with you. It’s not just about your personal spirituality — it’s about seeing yourself as part of something bigger, taking responsibility for the people around you, and letting your heart be wide enough to care for all of Am Yisrael.

6) Ephod (Apron-like garment)
Connected to the shoulders.
The shoulders are where we carry weight — responsibility, leadership, the ability to stand tall. The ephod says: You are here to do. To step up. To carry what’s heavy and still move forward.

7) Me’il (Robe)
With bells at the bottom.
Every step the Kohen Gadol took made noise. You couldn’t hide. Your presence had to be felt. That’s your voice — your impact. You’re here to make noise in the world — through your kindness, your ideas, your courage. Don’t silence yourself.

8) Tzitz (Gold plate on the forehead)
Stamped with the words "Kodesh LaHashem."
Front and center — right where the world can see — this piece said it all: I belong to Hashem.
That’s not about being perfect. It’s about remembering, in every interaction, every decision, every moment — I’m part of something holy.

Wearing the Bigdei Kehunah wasn’t about costumes — it was about stepping into identity.

You can “wear” these ideas every single day — in the way you think, speak, act, dream, and even dress.

So next time you wonder, “who am I supposed to be?”, remember: You’re already wearing the bigdei kehunah. You just have to notice them.

The mishkan and later the mikdash ground your identity. 

My daughter put together this incredible tour to help you experience it—really feel it. Walking those streets, seeing the stones, breathing the air—it reminds you that you’re part of something so much bigger. It helps you taste what it means to be a Kohen for Hashem today, even without the bigdei kehunah

If you’ve ever wondered where you belong, what your place is, or how you fit into this story—this is your chance to find out. Come join. Let Yerushalayim speak to you.

Walking  in Yerushalayim


Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller Gottlieb!



5th of Adar, 5th of March

Time 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM 

Yerushalayim's Tzadikim are Yerushalayim's Treasure 

see some of the most

unique sights of Yerushalayim


·    Homes of Gedolim

·      R' Aryeh Levin Tz"l– "A Tzaddik in our times"

·      "R' Iser Zalmen Meltzer zt"l

·      R' Mordechi Sharabi zt"l

·     The infamous movie house and what it is today.

·      First Haskala school and who is learning there these days

Get a glimpse of the spiritual battles of yesteryear appreciate the amazing present reality in comparison to what was attempted years ago!


·    R' Tzvi Kushelevski shlit"a

·    R' Gamliel Rabinowitz shlit"a

·    Daven at Zichron Moshe

24/7 minyan Shul

·    Davening at the Kevarim of:

R' Arye Levin zt"l

R' Ovadya Yosef zt"l

R' Ben Tziyon Aba Shaul zt"l

Henni Machlis A"H 

Holy Bagel –  Kashrus R' Rubin

360 nis bring a friend 320 nis each

Book now on this link

Or call Devorah



Can’t wait to hear what you discover,

Love my dear fellow non-kohanim who are also Kohanim (part of an entire nation of Kohanim!)


04 March 2025

The Grasshopper Who Didn't Know How To Leap | Minuscule

 I need some humor inbetween the escalating events in our world

Rabbi Richter: Amazing Shiur: Prophetic Warning For America !!

 MUST LISTEN TO THIS!!   He included all the trigger points.

Yoel 4:102 in the valley of Yehoshafat the final reckoning.
This leading to Gogumagog or Gog and Magog or Gog Umagog? Whichever way you spell it, it is a horrific war.

The Iran Spy Psy-op ….

…… The traitors arrest stooges for treason, while the fools fly orange balloons

Check out this “news story” from Arutz Sheva, which is essentially an Israeli government blog at this point.

We’re seriously supposed to believe that Iran hired an Israeli spy and sent him on missions to spray graffiti?

I looked up the “spy” on Facebook and found one person by that name in Petah Tikva. He seems like a jobless guy living with his parents playing video games, who was probably recruited online by the Shabak to do something stupid for easy money and get set up as a spy, so the regime could push this propaganda.

Why would they do this?

As Mordechai Sones notes:

Ubiquitous spies are an integral part of totalitarian societal control.

The purpose of these spies is to create a climate of fear and paranoia, where individuals are afraid to express dissenting opinions. This allows the ruling party to maintain absolute control over the population.

Here’s a report from CNN, the most trusted source in fake news:

Ailam, the former Mossad official, said those who fall into the wide net cast by Iran are often “desperate people from the part of society that is usually neglected and overlooked.” 

His neighbors said he had immigrated to Israel from Belarus in recent years, had severe financial problems and was frequently drunk.

Because if I’m recruiting spies, I’m looking for drunkards and hobos to send on sensitive missions.

Then again, if I’m the Shabak looking to set people up as Iranian spies, terrorists, etc., that’s exactly who I’m looking for: desperate people in need of quick cash who aren’t very bright, from the lowest rungs on the social ladder, unlikely to have anyone of consequence to defend them against the legal and media onslaught that is being prepared for them.

“They are much more easy prey,” Ailam said.


And if I’m the Shabak, I’m sending these stooges on absolutely pointless “spy missions” that don’t jeopardize the actual traitors in any way, but will have maximum media effect.

Like spray-painting graffiti, and this:

The indictment notes that several of the bases they photographed were later struck in missile attacks by Iran and its proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah.

While the GPS coordinates of the bases are known to Iran, Israeli authorities say the zoomed-in images Iran received from these Israelis provided additional targeting intelligence.

Additional targeting intelligence. Right, because a close-up of a gate really helps when you’re already plugging in GPS coordinates. Thank you, Mr. Official Expert.

It’s not like there aren’t already hordes of Arabs who built these bases and otherwise have access to them to provide actually useful information. No, Iran needs to recruit Israeli drunkards to take pictures that we need to rationalize might help in some small way. 

Meanwhile, some loser who spray-painted graffiti in Petach Tikva is arrested for treason, but all those responsible for October 7 get to investigate themselves, say 16 months later “Oops, we made some mistakes”, and face no consequences whatsoever.

Here’s a post from Michael Hadad, an Israeli who gets it, with an English translation that follows.

אני אומר לעצמי שתוק, אל תרשום כלום ופשוט לא מצליח...

אחים שלי היקרים, 

העם שלנו מהונדס לחלוטין.

שמישהו אחד יסביר לי בצורה פשוטה, 

מה מועיל כל הכיכרות עם הבלונים הכתומים??! 

כמוהם, מה מועילים כל סמלי החטופים בכל חור כבר מעל שנה?

מה מועיל? מה זה נותן לביבס? לעם ישראל? לבורא עולם? 

כלום. גורנישט

זאת האמת. 

מכוונים אתכם להוציא את תחושות התסכול והכאב שלכם בדרכים מוזרות שאין בהם שום תועלת, 

לא היו ולא נבראו מעולם והומצאו לימינו, דור הטיקטוק... 

כולאים את היכולת שלנו למרוד, לבעוט, לחזור למקור, לפעול פעולות רציונאליות מקדמות. 

הדבר היחיד שתוכלו לעשות למען ביבס, עם ישראל ובורא עולם בעניין רצח המשפחה,

הוא להציף בכל מקום אפשרי, בכל רשת, בכל שיחה עם אנשים אחרים, בכל מקום את האמת הכואבת:

לחטיפת משפחת ביבס, היו שותפים סוכנים שאינם מחבלי חמאס, נשמעו בזמן החטיפה גם דיבורים בעברית צחה, צולם אחד הסוכנים והתקשורת הישראלית צנזרה אותו.

הגופים הרשמיים של המדינה שמעו על כך מהרגע הראשון שפרסמתי זאת לפני מעל שנה ולא עושים עם זה כלום 

וזאת ההוכחה, שהממסד הישראלי שותף ואחראי לטבח ה7.10 ומסתיר את האמת הכואבת. 

הסוכנים, המתכננים, השותפים, הבכירים

כולם במקומם ולא הובאו לדין וממשיכים לקדם את התכניות הזדוניות של האליטות. 

שירי ביבס וילדיה נרצחו כי הממסד הישראלי אפשר זאת. 

הממסד הישראלי קרקע את צה"ל מלהגיב במשך 8 שעות בדיוק כמו במלחמת יום כיפור. 

הממסד הישראלי ידע על המתרחש ומי שהיה צריך לעצום עין, עצם את העין ביודעין. 

כשאני אומר הממסד הישראלי, איני מכוון לחיילי צה"ל הקדושים או לכל מי שנמצא במערכת המדינית ובתטם לב מנסה לפעול למען עם ישראל. 

לשם הדיוק, 

כשאני אומר הממסד הישראלי, כוונתי לאלו ששתולים בתוך המערכות המחזיקות את המדינה ומופעלים ע"י גורמים חיצוניים בהחבא. 

לדוגמא, אותם אלו שבשנות ה60 חטפו ועשו ניסויים בילדי תימן וארצות הבלקן. 

לדוגמא, אותם אלו שהורו לשב"כ להוריד את יצחק רבין. 

לדוגמא, אותם אלו שהפכו את אזרחי ישראל לנסיינים של זריקות פייזר

וכן על זה הדרך...

זרקו את הבלונים הכתומים לפח, 

שירי מתביישת במחאות העלובות האלו שלא מקדמות כלום ולא עושות צדק לרצח שלה ושל ילדיה. 

משפט ידוע שאומר רבי יהודה הלוי למלך כוזר בתחילת ספרו "הכוזרי": 

כוונתך רצויה אך מעשיך אינו רצוי. 

יש לכם כוונות טובות, לב טוב, רצון טוב... 

אבל המעשים שלכם לא נכונים, לא מקדמים ואף מזיקים בסופו של דבר. 

שירי תשמח שנביא את האמת לאור ונוקיע את הרשעים מאדמתינו ונכונן מדינת אמת זוהרת באורו של הבורא. 

סביר להניח, ששירי שמעה וראתה יותר ממה שהייתה צריכה לראות בזמן שחטפו אותה ולכן הצהרתי כבר לפני מעל שנה, 

שלצערי סיכוייה לחזור אם הם תלויים בממסד הישראלי הם אפסיים. 

אם עם ישראל לא יתנער מהתרדמת ההזויה הזו, הוא לא יבין מאיפה הצרות נופלות עליו שוב ושוב ושוב. 

בראש ובראשונה להתעורר כלפי התודעה האישית של מי אנחנו ומה ייעודינו ולשוב לאבינו שבשמיים. 

בד בבד, להתחיל לנקוט בפעולות ומעשים הבועטים את הרוע והשקר החוצה ומוציאים לאור את האמת. 

לא עלינו המלאכה לגמור, רק לא ליבטל ממנה.

מספיק שנראה נכונות לפעול כך ונתחיל...

מספיק שנפתח פתח כחודו של מחט,

"ה' יילחם לכם ואתם תחרישון"

I tell myself to shut up, don’t write anything, but I just can’t…

My dear brothers,

Our nation is completely engineered.

Can someone explain it to me in a simple way:

What good are all the squares with the orange balloons??!

Like them, what is the use of all the symbols for the hostages in every hole for over a year?

How is it helpful? What is it giving to the Bibas’s? To the Israeli people? To the Creator of the world?

N O T H I N G. Gurnisht.

This is the truth.

You are directed to bring out your feelings of frustration and pain in strange ways in which there is no use.

They never existed and were never created and were invented today, for the Tiktok generation.

We contain our ability to rebel, to kick, to return to the source, to take rational actions that move things forward.

The only thing you can do for Bibas’s, Israel, and the Creator of the world, regarding the murder of the family, is to flood wherever possible, on every network, in every conversation with other people, everywhere, the painful truth:

In the abduction of the Bibas family, there were partners, agents that were not Hamas terrorists; during the abduction also words in clear Hebrew were heard; one of the agents was filmed and the Israeli media censored him [see photo and video below].

The state's official bodies have heard about it from the first moment I published it over a year ago and they don't do anything about it.

And this is the proof, that the Israeli establishment is a partner and responsible for the 7.10 massacre and hides the painful truth.

The agents, the planners, the partners, the seniors — everyone is in their place and have not been brought to justice, and continue to promote the malicious plans of the elites.

Shiri Bibas and her children were murdered because the Israeli establishment allowed it.

The Israeli establishment grounded the IDF from responding for 8 hours just like on Yom Kippur.

The Israeli establishment knew about what was happening, and whoever had to close an eye, closed their eyes knowingly.

When I say the Israeli establishment, I don't mean the soldiers of the holy IDF or anyone in the political system who is blatantly trying to act for the sake of Israel.

To be precise, when I say the Israeli establishment, I mean those who are planted in the systems that hold the state and are covertly operated by external factors in.

For example, the same ones who in the 60’s abducted and experimented on the children of Yemen and the Balkan countries.

For example, the same ones who ordered the GSS to take down Yitzhak Rabin.

For example, the same ones who turned Israeli citizens into test subjects for Pfizer injections.

And yes, this is the way it is...

Throw the orange balloons in the trash.

Shiri is ashamed of these poor protests that don’t advance anything and don’t do justice for the murder of her and children.

A well-known statement that Rabbi Yehuda Halevi says to the king of the Khazars in the beginning of his book “The Kuzari”:

Your intention is desirable but your actions are not desirable.

You have good intentions, good heart, good will...

But your actions are not right, do not move things forward, and even cause harm in the end.

Shiri would be happy if we bring the truth to the light and kick the evil out of our lands and prepare a shining State of truth in the light of the creator.

It’s reasonable to assume that Shiri heard and saw more than she was supposed to see at the time she was kidnapped, and therefore I stated over a year ago that, unfortunately, their chance of returning if it depended on the Israeli establishment was nil.

If the people of Israel do not shake off this delusional slumber, they will not understand from where the trouble falls upon them again and again.

First and foremost, wake up to the personal consciousness of who we are and what is our purpose, and return to our Father in Heaven.

At the same time, start taking actions that kick the evil and lies out and bring the truth to the light.

We didn't have to finish the project, but we cannot be idle from it.

It’s enough that we show a willingness to act this way and we’ll start...

It’s enough to make an opening like the tip of a needle.

“Hashem will fight for you, and you will be quiet.”

Here’s a screenshot from a video of the Bibas’s being abducted, with the face of one particular person always censored. Many, many people have reported that the people in blue shirts on October 7 seem to be the “managers” of the operation — and they aren’t Arabs.

And here’s a video where instructions in Israeli Hebrew can clearly be heard.


And one more with a blue-shirted guy giving instructions in Hebrew.


Good the thing the public has been socially engineered to obsess over the funeral and displaying orange, instead of concerning themselves with conspiracy theories that might disturb their cozy fantasies and compel them to do uncomfortable things.

Good thing the Shabak caught the “Iranian spy” who spray-painted graffiti.

They’re doing a tremendous job. A tremendous job.

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Rabbi Weissman: Confronting Asher Weiss and his Cronies….

 ….. Weiss also refuses to say if he took the 6th Covid booster

In this month’s special Amalek and Erev Rav program we showed the complete video footage of Asher Weiss being asked if he takes responsibility for the people who were harmed and killed by the Covid shots he ruled they should take, and spoke with citizen journalist David Sidman, who confronted Weiss and his cronies.

We also shared a clip of Weiss being asked at a recent CHEMED conference if he took the 6th Covid booster, the wild audience reaction, and his deceitful response.

The complete program is available here.

A 7-minute video of the standalone confrontation is available here.

The 3-minute clip of Weiss being asked about the 6th booster shot alone is available here.

But go ahead and watch the complete program. And share it widely, please.

There is a concerted effort by the establishment snakes to rehabilitate their image and trick the masses into continuing to trust them. We see it with the deceitful response from Asher Weiss at the CHEMED conference, and we see it with the puffball Jewish Link interview with Aaron Glatt.

Now even the fake-frum media is acting as if they are innocent and honest, with no mention of the relentless propaganda they pumped out for years on end, and how they accused YOU of spreading false information at every turn. Not even an insincere apology.

Check this out from online outhouse Matzav:

The conversation surrounding COVID vaccines in 2021 was marred by false information.

There were many misleading statements about the vaccines’ effectiveness, with so-called “experts” making various unsupported claims. For instance, Pfizer initially claimed that their vaccine was 100% effective at preventing COVID. Rochelle Walensky, who was the head of the CDC at the time, stated that, based on their own data, vaccinated individuals neither carried the virus nor fell ill. This statement was later proven to be inaccurate.

Vaccination was promoted as the key to safely visiting family, particularly to protect older relatives from possible transmission. This too turned out to be false. Prominent figures like Anthony Fauci, along with the CDC and FDA, made numerous unverified claims about vaccine efficacy. Fauci, in particular, set ambitious targets for vaccine uptake, suggesting that reaching a certain vaccination rate among adults would essentially put an end to COVID. He never acknowledged his grave misjudgment in that regard.

Today, many of these statements have become infamous, serving as a lasting testament to the failures and arrogance of the scientific community and their supposed experts. However, these examples merely scratch the surface of the broader issues with the COVID vaccines, and new research continues to show that there are far more vaccine-induced side effects than initially acknowledged. The pattern of mismanagement and error persists.

Discussions about side effects have largely focused on myocarditis, a condition that causes inflammation of the heart muscle and predominantly affects young men. However, there are numerous other side effects directly linked to the vaccine that have largely been overlooked.

It goes on, but that’s enough. 

Amidst all the gaslighting, don’t miss their comment about it being “mismanagement and error”. Of course none of this was deliberate.

Just like October 7.

Let them all burn in hell. Soon.

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