24 February 2022

"the Bosporus at Istanbul and the Dardenelles from the shores of Kittim…”


"Ukraine asks Turkey to close Straits to Russian warships"

this includes the Bosphorus Strait: 

"the Bosporus at Istanbul and the Dardenelles from the shores of Kittim…” (as Reb Dov said)

[I MISSED THIS–IS THIS FOR OUR INVASION?]  2/14 – Last Tuesday, a detachment of at least eight large landing ships (LLS) of the Russian Navy began passing the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits (also known as the Gallipoli Strait), transitioning from their stations in the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. The landing ships can transport and land main battle tanks, other armored vehicles, helicopters, and several hundred troops each. They are also necessary for logistical support of an invasion.

The Vilna Gaon’s student,  Rav Chaim of Volozhin, added, “When the ships of the kingdom of Russia cross the Dardanelles you should dress in Shabbat clothes because this means the arrival of the Moshiach is close.” 


moshe said...

Believe this is really the beginning of the actual Geulah materializing. May it be with the greatest of H's Chesed & Rachamim on The Bnai Yisrael and all good peoples around the world.

Leah said...


PULSE Avi Abelow: Film Producer Pierre Rehov on Oct. 7th Massacre and Qatar’s Role

I have been a fan of Pierre Rehov for years. He is one of the few filmmakers who has been making movies and video clips showcasing the dange...