19 March 2018

Shabbos HaGadol – Tzav – Message of Nir ben Artzi ENGLISH


Message from Nir Ben Artzi
Parshat Tzav - Shabbos HaGadol
Sunday, 18.3  5778
[emphasis is mine]

The Lord of the Universe, Father in Heaven and in the Earth and of the entire universe, warns the world: No one, no man or country, no spirit, no earth, no fire can disturb the existence of the holy Land of Israel. Anyone who interferes with Israel will receive the 10 plagues, and much more difficult and in a repeat sequence.

The Land of Israel, the State of Israel, is the place of the Jews, pure and holy land, and Jerusalem, the Capital, revives the whole world.

Trump is a world hero. In 1948, the state was established and now, after 70 years, Trump came to the conclusion that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel, and that the Land of Israel has entered a state of perfection, dignity and power in the world, a spiritual power over the Jewish mind is the strongest in the world, the most powerful technology in the world, the most powerful army in the world and the most powerful economy in the world.

No one can persuade and bring down morale, power and motivation to the Land of Israel and the people of Israel.

Israel is working with the US economically, militarily and politically, and the IDF and the US Army are training together, and the US maintains Israel because Israel is an endless force.

Jews [Israelis-yordim] who live abroad, invest all your money in the Land of Israel and at the same time make an urgent trip to the Land of Israel. Anti-Semitism is going to explode in the most difficult and horrific way, appalling and frightening. If the left in Israel made mistakes, got into trouble, canceled, and fell abroad, there is no justice and no judge, and a Jew who succeeds, the gentiles hurt him and eat him alive. The choice of man, to choose to come and live in the Holy Land.

Every time the leftists talk about the right, slander and gossip - the right makes its way, continues to advance, grow stronger, grow and get more and more seats - and the left is becoming extinct. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is interested in the Holy Land, "Do not touch me in the Holy Land.”

Russia, Putin says 'Let my soul die with the Philistines', like Samson the hero, he does not want a bad name on Russia. Putin speaks in pantomime, only body and face movements. He wants to control the Middle East so that he will have a strong and parallel power vis-a-vis the US He does not think twice, what he does not like is threatening, killing and removing ... Still, they say in Heaven: Nothing will help him. In order to balance, Trump is also very strong and guided from heaven, Russia wants to build military camps and the US is also building military camps in all kinds of places.

Syria will continue to be destroyed. Many people are killed and slaughtered. Come from all over the world to kill the Syrian people. Without their knowledge, they are killing the Syrian people - a process of the Holy One, Blessed is He. The Holy One, Blessed be He, put in their minds how to act.

Iran is more afraid of Israel than any other country, afraid that Israel will blow up atomic facilities and harm Iran. Iran quietly transfers ammunition to Hezbollah and Nasrallah - and the ammunition does not arrive. The Iranian people know the power of Israel.

Hizbullah and Nasrallah fear death from Israel. He takes cannabis and speaks nonsense, out of context. He says that he does not want to fight against Israel, because there are not enough ammunition and missiles, he has no reserves, he has only to defend himself. After all, the IDF does not believe a word of its own, they spend time to arm themselves and move missiles even though the United States protects and preserves the Land of Israel.

The United States, anyone who talks badly about the people of Israel, Trump boycotts him, Trump speaks openly that he is protecting Israel, he is not mistaken, he knows what he is talking about.

Turkey, Erdogan sends his troops, as if he controls his army. The rebels who began to revolutionize, multiply and strengthen. Soon they would wake up and fight him.

In Iran the same, more or less. Advice to the women of Iran: Gather in your masses in all the cities and go all over Iran to make a coup in power. You have the power to do this and also to influence your young men to overthrow the Iranian regime, which wants to bring about a holocaust, to kill and destroy the Iranian people through the atom. Their sword will come in their hearts and their bow will break, and their leaders will kill their people.

Jordan is waiting to remove the heavy burden of the infiltrators, the Syrians, Da'esh and Hamas, the king of Jordan is afraid, the people of Israel are protecting him and peace with him.

In Egypt, Sisi put his soldiers in the Sinai desert to fight against Da'esh, Hamas and the extremists, so that they would not reach Egypt, so that they would not reach the Aswan Dam. If Da'esh arrived in Egypt next to the Aswan Dam, they would blow it up.

Hamas continues to dig tunnels, despite the fact that they have suffered a severe fall. They and Abu Mazen take all the money they get into their pockets. They starve the Palestinians of bread and blame Israel.

Hamas, Palestinians, and Da'esh eat each other, they do not care about the establishment of a Palestinian state, they only care about taking and stealing all the money, and they are fighting for Abu Mazen's will - and he is still alive.

The Israeli left must descend from the tall tree. No Gentile will help you. No country will help you. Keep your honor, do not go to demonstrations, it does nothing. In the end, the Holy One, Blessed be He, decides what will happen, so it's a shame to waste your precious time. It's too bad for you to run for the infiltrators and for the opponents of the people of Israel. The whole world loves the Jews who hold the right and hold the holy land for Jews only. We are all Jews, there is no left and no right. Left and right in one body, in order to establish the Land of Israel.

Continuing disasters in the world, the collapse of buildings, houses will be swallowed up in the ground. Aircraft will explode, trains will fly from the tracks, vehicles, ships, spaceships and satellites - everything is complicated.Earthquakes, floods and storms, winds and fire will continue.

All the bribes, the scammers, the thieves, those living on the backs of others and the conspirators - will all be caught. They will do teshuvah - from Heaven they will make it easier for them.

Europe is conquered by Muslims.

Britain and France are threatened by Putin, the Jews in Europe are pushed in all directions, they will soon be taking their homes and their livelihood.

The infiltrators in Israel must be transferred to the countries where they were born. They have almost a hundred times more land than Israel. They just want to be here, to get in the way.

Iraq wants the Jews. They regret that they were expelled because they know they have an affinity to the Holy One, Blessed be He, and have a blessing.

And now all the countries of the world want to build the embassy in Jerusalem, to taste the blessing of the Jews. All the problems in the Israeli Knesset will not be resolved and no solution will be found until the Creator of the world will crown the Mashiach.

Shout to the Creator to bring Moshiach, so that they would stop all the disputes that cannot be resolved without Moshiach. The whole world is in the midst of complications and conflicts, and the most severe disturbances, until the reign of King Mashiach.

Israel is flourishing and happy. It's so good in Israel - the government is dealing with trivial things, with boredom. Who will deal only with the help and protection of the Holy Land, the Land of Israel.

The Land of Israel is the holiest and most holy place in the world, the Holy Land. The Holy One, Blessed be He, took the people of Israel out of Egypt, from the most impure place in the world, to bring them into the holiest and most holy place in the world.

The Holy One, Blessed be He, wants His Jewish children to celebrate Passover in the Holy Land of Israel, and not in the soil of an unclean strange land. On the contrary, the Holy One, Blessed be He, asks the Jews living outside the Land of Israel to celebrate Passover with the Jews in the Holy Land of Israel. In Israel everything is good.

The month of Nissan will be Blessed. In Nisan, the people of Israel were redeemed and with the help of G–D, we will receive our righteous Mashiach in Nisan! That the Holy One, Blessed be He, will have mercy on His children, who will announce the revelation of the Mashiach. Everyone should plead and pray to the Holy One, Blessed be He, that Mashiach will lead the Mashiach on Pesach. Moshiach acts and works to save the people of Israel, for himself he does not want anything.

The only interest of Moshiach is to redeem the people of Israel and that all will be believers in the Holy One, Blessed is He. Moshiach works at night and saves the people of Israel!


Anonymous said...

The English wording should be fixed; he constantly says that Artzos Habrit protects Yisrael. Only H' and nothing or no one else protects Israel. H' is watching over Eretz Yisrael and bnai Yisrael every moment. Why are so many of our Yidden, observant and non-observant so caught up with believing man has control? We can have friends, but there are no protectors, except for our Father in Heaven!

Neshama said...

Anon 3/19 18:18 – Your comment is well taken, yes it is a problem. I don’t know if I can “change” the writers intent/wording unless there is a google dictionary of sorts that comes with the translation of the document.

But you can ‘voice’ your concern to his website for clarification, and then send me the correspondence and I will post it.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

I just hope this comes true:
The month of Nissan will be Blessed. In Nisan, the people of Israel were redeemed and with the help of G–D, we will receive our righteous Mashiach in Nisan! That the Holy One, Blessed be He, will have mercy on His children, who will announce the revelation of the Mashiach. Everyone should plead and pray to the Holy One, Blessed be He, that Mashiach will lead the Mashiach on Pesach. Moshiach acts and works to save the people of Israel, for himself he does not want anything.

I'm sick of spending Pesach in exile!

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