11 August 2016

A Time to Build

[Sorry, but the previous video was withdrawn, don’t know why]
Love, commitment and a shared vision for the future… these are the qualities that a Jewish couple bring to the marriage canopy. These very same qualities will enable the people of Israel to go from merely breaking the glass of remembrance of the destruction, to the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in our lifetime.

On Tisha B'Av, the Jewish people mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple. Seated on the floor as mourners, the adults in the synagogue recite the traditional kinnot dirges. But is the goal simply the continuation of the mourning, for the sake of mourning? The children have a different idea of what needs to be done...

Tisha b'Av: The Third Holy Temple Plans Have Begun

This is a walk-through the main sanctuary of the Holy Temple, showcasing decades of research and tens of innovative Halachic solutions to various perplexing issues that were resolved to create fully functional, ready-to-use plans. As the visual tour sweeps through the sanctuary, one can see the menorah, incense altar and showbread table, all of which have already been prepared by the Institute, among 70 other sacred vessels. The presentation was specially released to coincide with the Ninth of Av, the Jewish national day of mourning which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples.

This is not a ‘virtual’ representation, but a portion of a complete and highly detailed architectural plan which has been prepared for the immediate construction of the Holy Temple. The plan includes all of components that will be used in building: marble, stone, concrete, wood, flooring materials, overlay of gold, etc.

The external view presents the openings, windows, chambers, the outer hall, the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies.

In the first stage we are moving through the hall’s entrance. As we continue we arrive at the golden chains described in Tractate Middot, which the young priests-in-training would climb in order to view the decorative crowns that were placed in unique windows above the entrance to the Sanctuary. The visit continues on to the 38 chambers that surrounded the Sanctuary. The door opens and we find ourselves within the first chamber. We turn left and enter into the Sanctuary. From the right we see the three major vessels of the Sanctuary: The golden altar, the table of the showbread, and the menorah. We also see the curtain with its depiction of the two cherubim.

This curtain is actually a double curtain, that separates between the Holy area (the Sanctuary), and the Holy of Holies. We look up to the ceiling of the Sanctuary, which reaches a height of 40 amot. Near the ceiling are the ‘narrowing windows’ (Kings I 6:4) which direct from the Temple outwards.

Turning behind us, we see the doors of the Sanctuary towards the east, as they are opened each morning by the priests, revealing the blue skies of Jerusalem at sunrise.

From the Sanctuary, we turn back to the chambers and go out to the long passageway known as the ‘mesiba.’ We ascend stairs that lead to the roof of the chambers. We continue moving, encircling the Temple from the north and west, afterwards turning east.

At the end of the passageway stands a special ladder that is used to ascend to the upper level. This level has a very high level of sanctity. One opinion maintains that it is only entered once in seventy years (for maintenance purposes).

In summary, this is a highly-detailed building plan which includes room for further innovation by professionals and craftsmen, including decoration, heating and electric etc. According to the decisions of the steering committee that will be established to oversee the construction of the Third Holy Temple, which can be begun immediately.

The video comes one year after the Temple Institute appealed to its supporters to take part in an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign that raised over $100,000 for the architectural plans. The video was first released to supporters of a current campaign to raise the first kosher Red Heifer in Israel in over 2,000 years. Over the past five years, the organization has released its most ambitious campaigns and poignant videos to reframe the mourning period into one of active preparation for the Third Holy Temple.

Support the Temple Institute's new Nezer HaKodesh Institute for training Levitical Priests for the Holy Temple: indiegogo Nezer HaKodesh

Rabbi Chaim Richman, International Director of The Temple Institute noted: “One third of all Torah commandments pertain to the building of and service in the Holy Temple. Today, we not only mourn the destruction of the two Holy Temples, but also our inability to fulfill one third of the Torah. Over the last three decades, the Temple Institute has done everything in our power to research and prepare for the Third Temple. As world Jewry sits on the ground mourning the first two Temples, we have taken a huge leap towards the rebuilding, by releasing a 3D architectural rendition of the Third Temple”


Anonymous said...

One thing is very bothersome- why do all three videos show ads of the goyishe messianics and their bible?

Neshama said...

Sorry, but I didn’t see any ads when I view these videos.

Anonymous said...

Maybe my computer needs more protection, but these horizonal small ads seem to pop up when putting on the video on most videos that I click onto. These three all had the same ad. I click the 'x' at the upper right hand side of the video to turn it off.

Neshama said...

The business of ads is extremely annoying, I know. There is popup ad blocking software. It might be good to look into it if you are seeing them when visiting many internet sites and/or YouTube. Wishing you hatzlacha!

Mr. Cohen said...

Can Jews learn something from Captain Kirk?

Captain James T. Kirk said:

“We do not negotiate with those who
threaten our lives or the lives of others.”

SOURCE: Star Trek: Savage Trade (chapter 17, bottom of page 303) by Tony Daniel, year 2015, Pocket Books, New York, ISBN: 9781476765501 ISBN: 1476765502

PLEASE help SUE the terrorists in court:

www dot IsraelLawCenter dot org

www dot TheLawFareProject dot org



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