16 August 2016

UPDATE. . . . . .URGENT: SAVE SUSIYA – An Ancient Jewish Settlement


Khirbet Susiya, also known as Horvat Susiya is an ancient Jewish landmark is the Southern Hebron Hills uncovered by archeologists in 1969 after the area was liberated by Israel. In the years that followed, Khirbet Susiya has become a national landmark and proof that a solid Jewish existed throughout the Har Hebron Hills up until the Islamic invasion in the 8th Century. The Jews of the area either converted to Islam or fled.

Now, this ancient landmark known for its oldest freestanding synagogue is under threat by Arab squatters from Yatta backed up by the EU and the United States State Department. These squatters have amassed a following through the international community and have set up tents on the archeological site. The group from Yatta number around 350 people and claim Khirbet Susiya as their own. They claim the site of Khirbet Susiya is really theirs despite the overwhelming evidence for it being an ancient Jewish village.

“Surveys of villages and populations conducted by the British Mandatory powers in 1945, which mention all of the villages in the area and even some of the inhabitants, prove there is no hint of the existence of an Arab village named Susiya,” says Josh Hasten, spokesman for Regavim an NGO that fights illegal land use. “More recently aerial photos obtained by Regavim from 1999 show nothing resembling a village in that area. An identical photo from 2013 shows how squatters have infiltrated the locale.”
With the Supreme Court’s ultimatim to the goverment of Israel to destroy the encampment, the government has very little flexibility. In the coming days and the weeks the left is expected to harm the reputation of the region by continuing to build a false narritive with one goal in mind and that is to appropriate more land from Israel and erase established Jewish history.

it seems the Minister does NOT want criticism via email

On one of my touring adventures, I visited Sussiya and was inside the artifact remains of a Temple with its beautiful frescos in the floor depicting Jewish themes.

Khirbat Susya [סוּסְיָא] Ancient Village

The EU, the same foreign interloper that set up ILLEGAL temporary housing for Arabs in Area C which is under Israeli dominion, now has the gall to threaten Israel about removing squatters on our ancient settlement of Susiya. These squatters/invaders are deliberately making an international issue out of their ILLEGAL settling on our Historic site. 

Please view the video and write to the Prime Minister and Defense Minister to give them chizuk in standing up to the EU antisemites that only want to cause havoc among Jews in our Land of Israel:

Aug 16, 2016
The Israeli Supreme Court had ruled that action needed to be taken on Sussiya by August 15th 2016. However, following immense international pressure, the Israeli government requested a two day extension to find a solution.

Josh Hasten, Regavim's International Director calls on our supporters in Israel and abroad to strengthen the hand of The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, as they are faced with tremendous pressure from the international community to permit the illegal squatters' in Sussiya to remain on stolen Israeli State Land.

Spend a moment to write to the Prime Minister and Defence Minister's of Israel to let them know you support Israel's right to act as a sovereign power in her land and implement the rule of law.

Here are their e-mail addresses:

Prime Minister Netanyahu:
Defense Minister Lieberman:


Gavriela Dvorah said...

I think there is something wrong with the email for Lieberman because my email to him bounced back as undeliverable.

Neshama said...

So sorry, but that is the link provided. Maybe it doesn't recognize you email software? Did the one to the PM go thru?

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