23 May 2016


Ever Herd of a New Crash Diet of Weeds and 
Poison Ivy?

Meet Mozart

Mozart, Zoya, Olivia, Max, Charlie Brown, Diego, Raptor, Skittles and Reese—will be working in Brooklyn this summer in Prospect Park.

Olivia, a pushy young blonde; Diego, a good-natured loner; and six others were deemed perfect for the task: fit, eager and hungry for the job. Zoya and crew will leave their home in Rhinebeck, New York, and take up residency in Prospect Park, working on fenced-off sections (**most damaged by a tornado and hurricanes Irene and Katrina). Larry and Ann Cihanek, the goats’ owners and owners of *Green Goats, will check on the herd twice a week. Ann told The Guardian that goats love weeds such as poison ivy and will eat those plants first.

“They’re a bit like children, ... They will eat their favorite foods first, and one of their top foods is poison ivy. They love it.”

A single goat can eat up to 25 pounds in one day.

The 'Gang' at work, “Weapons of grass destruction”.

The Prospect Park project isn’t unusual for the Cihaneks and their goats. Green Goats, which houses 170 goats, has been sending goat herds out on assignment for nine years. The four-legged weed-eaters have worked with the National Park Service, cemeteries, colleges and more, according to Green Goats’ website.

“Goats have been used to control undesirable vegetation throughout history,” states the website. “They’ve eaten grass, and cleared brush on slopes, woodlots and hedge rows long before brush cutters and herbicides were invented.”

Who would Mozart be without Beethoven

Remember Rachel? See Yaakov Avinu's Sheep

The above is a compilation from these sources:

*Green Goats Website . Pictures of Goats from Green Goats.
**NYT Article

1 comment:

GoldieZP said...

Now this made me smile!

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