05 November 2015

The Particular Brachot to be Said Upon Mashiach's Arrival*

UPDATE:  Please read this again and keep a printed copy with you at all times.

Rav Kanievsky Shlit"a said to be ready to say the blessings when Mashiach arrives (The Rav has periodically spoken about Mashiach). If Rav Kanievsky Shlit"a happens to be Eliyahu HaNavi, and he announces "who" Mashiach is, the following are the Brachot to be said IY"H  [written in a sequence depending what happens first, second, etc.]

When we first hear from a reliable source the good news of Moshiach’s arrival, we will recite 

  • “Baruch Attah Hashem Elokeinu Melech HaOlam HaTov V’HaMeiteiv.”

When we see the huge throngs of Jews assembled to greet him, which will no doubt number at least 600,000 people, one recites 

  • "Baruch Attah Hashem Elokeinu Melech HaOlam chacham harazim.”

When one sees the rebuilt Beis HaMikdash or rebuilt shullen or Batei Medrash, one recites, 

  • "Baruch Attah Hashem Elokeinu Melech HaOlam matziv gvul almanah.”

When we actually see the Moshiach, we will recite

  • "Baruch Attah Hashem Elokeinu Melech HaOlam She’chalak Mikevodo Li’rei’av."

Immediately after reciting this bracha, we will recite the bracha

  • "Baruch Attah Hashem Elokeinu Melech HaOlam She’chalak Meichachmaso li’rei’av."

And the following Shehechiyanu and Go'el Yisrael: 

*For a deeper explanation of these Brachot, and about Mashiach, visit When Moshiach Comes at by Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff


Unknown said...

I have been posting for years the following brachot to be recited upon greeting Mashiach and hundreds if not more have learned them. Your site tells of others... Can you tell me where was this published initially so I can check and compare to make sure what to say... After all, Mashiach can arrive now... today! B'H :)

1) Baruch Ata Hashem... HaOlam Ga'al Yisrael.
2) Baruch Ata Hashem... HaOlam Sheh'hechiyanu V'keemanu V'hegianu La'zmaan Hazeh
3) Baruch Ata Hashem... HaOlam Sheh'chalak Meh'chochmato Leh'reiav.
4) Baruch Ata Hashem... HaOlam Sheh'chalak Meh'kvodo Leh'reiav.
5) Baruch Ata Hashem... HaOlam Chacham Harazim.

Neshama said...

Orit: Rav Kanievsky said "Go'el" Yisrael, I think because it is immediate, declaring Mashiach the Go'el, and not past tense, as someone told me.

Neshama said...

One must know WHEN to say what Bracha!

Neshama said...

Everyone reading this, print out these Brachot and carry them with you at all times.

Gale said...

In this post you state we should say "go'el Yisrael' and NOT 'ga'al Yisrael';
you then tell us to refer to When Moshiach Comes at by Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff;
In this article, Rabbi Kaganoff says to say 'ga'al Yisrael',



Neshama said...

Gale, I hope this clarifies things for you:

What is the difference between the blessing of Ga'al Yisrael preceding Shemoneh Esrei and the blessing of Go'el Yisrael?

Before we begin the Shemoneh Esreh each morning, we say the blessing, "Blessed are You, Hashem, Who redeemed Israel (Ga'al Yisrael)." Then within the Shemoneh Esrei itself, in the "Re'eh va'ahneynu" section, we conclude "Blessed are You Hashem, Redeemer of Israel (Go'el Yisrael)." Aside from the use of the past tense and the present tense, there doesn't seem to be much difference in the blessing. Moreover, as I understand it, our tradition is to not to say anything between the blessing of Ga'al Yisrael and the Shemoneh Esrei so that we don't make a break in the connected concepts of redemption and prayer. O.C. 66:7. What is the substantive difference between these two blessings, if any?

Ga-al Yisrael is past tense and we are thanking G-d for redeeming us from Egypt. Go-el Yisrael is the present and we are asking to be redeemed now.

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