20 September 2014

What's Driving the Islamic State … ISIL

The 100-Year-Old Agreement You Need to Know About to Understand What’s Driving the Islamic State

If you do not understand the Sykes-Picot Agreement, Beck said, you cannot fully understand the Islamic State, or why the Israelis and the Palestinians will never reach a two-state solution.

Though many go back to 1948 and the creation of the modern state of Israel when examining the history of Middle Eastern conflicts, Beck said you actually have to go back to 1916 and World War I.

“This is the last time the Arab world had a united Islamic State led by a religious leader: the Ottoman Empire, the caliphate,” Beck began. “The Allies knew the Ottoman Empire could shut down key shipping routes and cripple Britain’s economy, France’s. … They had to neutralize it. So Great Britain sent over an Army officer from Britain, and his name was T.E. Lawrence. There was a movie made about him, a great movie with Peter O’Toole called ‘Lawrence of Arabia.’”

Lawrence was tasked with convincing the Arabs to fight against the Ottoman Empire. After Lawrence promised the Arabs rule over a new united Arab kingdom of greater Syria — which encompassed present day Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and parts of Iraq and Jordan — he succeeded.

“To get to the root of the current Middle East conflict, that is your starting point,” Beck said. “It is at the center of everything that is happening today.”

“The problem here — Great Britain never intended to honor the promises that they made,” Beck continued. “They had used the Arabs in order to protect their own interests. Remember, they needed to get the Ottoman Empire out of the way.”

Sykes-Picot Agreement

“The entire time Lawrence was negotiating with the Arabs, Great Britain, behind everybody’s back, was negotiating with France, and planning how they were going to actually divide up the Middle East after the war,” Beck said. “They needed to make sure there was no united Arab kingdom that would ever get in the way.”

Under the Sykes-Picot agreement, the British and the French drew new boundaries, fracturing the region so, Beck said, “the British and their allies in the region could control it.”

“Remember, the goal was to divide the Arabs, not to unite them, divide them, so they could protect the trade routes,” Beck said. “They didn’t care about the Arabs, they didn’t care about the Jews, they didn’t care about anything. They wanted the trade routes.”

“The Arabs were forced to accept this western European model of the nation-states because they had no choice,” Beck remarked. “Arab resentment grows in the wake of that treaty, Sykes-Picot, where they have divided everything and made new lines. They wanted — the Palestinians, the Arabs — what was promised to them — the rule of greater Syria.”



(posted before Shabbat)


Anonymous said...

I wonder who gave them the money to make that technically beautiful music recording. ISIS is no braver or stronger than any of the armies that guy is putting down. They just have more financial support, augmented by thievery and murder. What happens when it goes away?

Do you think the money came from the elites?

CDG, Yerushalayim

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with you. ISIS is the only army that wants to, and is talking about winning. The American army does not talk about winning. They talk about containment. The IDF does not talk about WINNING. They talk about maintaining quiet. ISIS will go very far because they are enthusiastic about winning. They make 3 million dollars a day from the oil fields they took in Iraq plus the millions of dollars they looted out of the banks in Mosul. Plus they make money from ransoming captives. Money is not an issue. Hashem is allowing them to do what they do for now. It's in Torah in parsha Balak -- last prophecy of Bilaam.

Anonymous said...

I'm of the opinion it's goes deeper then this as well. We are talking about the bishops, as Glenn also stated in his example of the chess board. The Roman Empire still continues to run the show, in order to maintain the Christian prophecy of the end times. The Christian leaders need to strike fear into the Christians in order for the followers to continue their tithing's. If the Christians knew truth, they would become Jewish or follow the laws of Noah. When the great awakening takes place, and truth is front and center, there will be gnashing of teeth across the globe. Daniel says knowledge will increase, and when truth is abound, the real war will take place. The war only truth can bring.

Anonymous said...

Off topic

The Book of Daniel:
Chapter 12
12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

The Dome of the Rock was completed in 691 CE / 4452.

In adding 1290 years, we have the following dates 1981 CE / 5741

In adding 1335 years, we have the following dates 2026 CE / 5787

Has there been any discussions about the possibility of these dates? Could we actually be 12 years away? The book of Daniel is specific in stating from the time the abomination that maketh desolate is SET UP. This was completed in 691, and the Temple Mount has been desolate ever since.

Leah said...

Daniel, you may want to ask or look at Rabbi Pinchas Winston's article on regarding the 12 years you write/ask about- refer to.
It is an article from 1990 or 1991 on Moshiach. He mentions some dates which, from the way you write, you may already be very aware or may find interesting.
Kol tov.

Anonymous said...

Since ISIS or ISIL are making this war about G-d, I wonder when the leaders of the countries will make it about G-d as well. Would be interesting to see what G-d Obama or Bibi would be fighting for.

Anonymous said...

Neshama or Leah, what is your opinion on the book of Enoch? Why is it not part of the Torah, being Enoch walked with G-d?

Leah, thanks for the article from Rabbi Pinchas Winston, was very interesting.

Leah said...

Hmmm, also Me'am Lo'ez may help, too.

Leah said...

One of my comments went on quickly, the other-not, so I will that did not
Rabbi Winston or Rabbi David Katz of Soul mazel blog mat be very helpful re: Enoch

Neshama said...

couldn't reply until now. I know nothing about the Book of Enoch. Why did you think of him? for what purpose? I think Leah is right, maybe ask Rabbi Katz about him.

ISIL are the ultra-extremists of the muslim faith (such as was rampant in the 6th C), and i believe they have to exert their evil in order for it to be spent and wiped away when Moshiach comes on the scene.

Anonymous said...

Just in my research, I came across the book of Enoch, and being he walked with G-d, I began to wonder. It does have some interesting visions, especially when it comes to the angels going in unto the women. Not to mention providing names like Gadreel, the angel who led astray Eve. Just thought I'd ask your opinion about it. It explains parts of the Torah, such as the giants and the flood during Noah's days.

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