09 September 2014

A 'United Nations of Religion' ? ? ?

The United Nations of nations is not doing such a great job of overseeing peaceful relationships between the nations of the world. Actually they have failed miserably and exponentially (!) in this area, but have succeeded in continually fomenting animosity toward Israel.

So, guess what?


Pope Francis And Shimon Peres Discuss The Establishment Of A ‘United Nations Of Religions’!  I didn't know that Francis and Shimon were so close? I mean, several conversations so often. You'd think Francis would have so many important worldly things to do ... but to welcome Shimon, his ole buddy. I wonder if they spoke over a cup of tea? 

Wow, next we will have a calamitous United Nations interfering in or trying to melt down all the religions of the world. I wonder just what type of 'rules of enragement' will be hyped to the Jewish Nation about what mitzvos they can or cannot observe, all for the betterment and peacefulness of world-religions?

What will the Erav Ravs and Eisavs and Yishmaelim and non-believers dream up next to attack (G-d) the only people in the world who actually are faithful to the One and Only G-d of the world?

This is such earth shattering news ... On second thought, this just might shatter the earth.

You can read all about Shimon and Francis here.


Anonymous said...

Interesting, seems the poop is reaching out to several Christian faiths prior to Peres bringing this up. This also feeds into the 7th Day Adventist faith, they are awaiting the Sunday law.

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Rabbis discuss the halachik borders for the Land of Israel

I think some of the Rabbis are part of the 'Sanhedrin' of Jerusalem But its very hard to hear what they are saying and what it might...