Maybe this whole episode at the Kotel is meant to tell us something more than the petty squabbles that have taken place. Maybe it's time to move the davening to another wall of the Temple Mount. The area could be made accessible, although not as comfortable as it is now. This comfort has lead to the congregating of peoples on the plaza which I find distracting to the davening that is supposed to take place. The Kotel is Herod's wall that he built around the Jewish Temple. It is the presence of the Jews that makes it seem Holy, not Herod's stones. Besides, when we build the Third Temple then the stones will be imbued with Holiness.
Why don't we also daven/pray at the Southern Wall, where Hulda prayed and held court, and where the gates that once watched over the Israelites as they entered the Temple area. Let these Gates once again watch over her children begging HKB"H to have mercy on them and bring the Moshiach. Let us pray again as humble pilgrims.
After all, aren't all the Walls of the Temple Mount sacred to a degree? However, we need the new walls of the Third Temple.

I actually see this as leading to the rebuilding of the Third Temple. Not immediately, but this is a siman, in the same way that the current government is also a siman. Hashem wants to hear our voices, calling out to Him. He wants to hear how much we want the Geula and the Third Beit HaMikdash. So along comes some 'women' who threaten the "the way things have been done at the Kotel," and along comes a new government that seems to threaten the lifestyle of certain members of Klal Yisroel. What is it that HaShem wants of us?
But Am Yisrael is more than any one segment of Jews, it's a nation that has been scattered over the globe, in various alien nations with differing lifestyles. Could we sojourn in these countries without absorbing their customs and mores? Like a quilt containing many differing pieces of fabric, Am Yisrael needs to be sewn together on her own land. It takes time, patience, and the proper guidance.
We need Mashiach to come and help us mold into a nation of Cohanim, a nation of Holy Jews. We await the return of Moshe Rabbeinu, the Avos and our Imahos. Soon, so say the learned ones.
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