05 February 2013

Bayit Yehudi: Am Yisrael, Torat Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael

After reading some of the articles surrounding the coalition talks, I feel encouraged and hopeful .. but time will tell ... we shall wait and see what this political wrestling and wild dialogue flying through the air ... when these words and accusations come down to earth and settle into the next Government of Israel, what will be? In the meantime:

“The Torah is as Precious to us as it is to Shas”

“Shas has controlled the religious institutions long enough in this country, and we see what they have done with them, alienating many secular Jews from Judaism.”

It was time for Religious Zionists to have a chance to correct those problems, he said. “We are [also] not advocates of 'automatic drafts' or 'automatic conversions,'” .... “We are not here as 'second-best' to Shas, and we are perfectly capable of leading the state's religious institutions without their 'guidance,'” Orbach said.

Rabbi Ben-Dahan said that he was “shocked” at comments by Eli Yishai that implied that Jewish Home was joining forces with Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid to “orphan the Torah world. The Torah is as precious to us as it is to Shas,” Ben-Dahan said. "I Spent More Years Learning Torah Than Shas MK's"

"Sunday Vacation will Promote Shabbat Observance"

Bayit Yehudi to support a proposal to extend the weekend into Sunday, explains that it would encourage Israelis to observe Shabbat.

“There is no doubt that in recent years, the Sabbath has become the national shopping day,” said Rabbi Ben-Dahan. “Many shopping centers have opened and some even state that 50% of their weekly proceeds are made during the Sabbath.”Most cities have bylaws that keep retail shops and malls closed on the Sabbath, but kibbutzim, who are under their own jurisdiction, used that loophole to build large shopping centers on agricultural land which are open and teeming with customers on Shabbat.

Bennett: "I feel obligated to You, Hundreds of Thousands of Israelis"

'.... while the hareidim are "our brothers" and [I] love them, "the present situation, in which tens of thousands of hareidim are not studying [Torah] and are not working and serving, cannot continue .... In New York, hareidim study but also work"

"I do not feel the pressure of these [outside] elements, because I feel obligated to you, hundreds of thousands of Israelis, who elected us so that we would act in accordance with the principles we presented."

When asked by outside elements:  "… Rabbi Melamed thinks that the Bayit Yehudi should be allowed to manage its own political business during the coalition talks, without outside intervention.....The party is composed of wise and clever people, and I trust their judgment" the rabbi said. "There are high yeshivas in the religious Zionist public as well and many Torah students, and obviously, the Bayit Yehudi will protect them and the entire Torah world."


"MK Uri Ariel, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu demand apology for Rabbi Ovadia's "goyim" remark."


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