17 December 2012

More Handwriting on the Wall ... But We Have a Mighty Warrior on our Side

Message to A Hypocritical World
by Shoula Romano

“Israel will be left tiny and defenseless if it continues to try to appease international community ... Not one righteous nation was found in Western Europe, Asia, Africa, or South America to sympathize with Israel....” Author: Shoula Romano Horing is an attorney.

Darkening Clouds Over Europe
by Riccardo Dugulin

A Must Read in its entirety, excerpts follow:

“In the early days of the 20th century, Theodor Herzl warned European Jews of an impending catastrophe which would strike at the heart of the continent. A catastrophe like nothing seen before based on an ensemble of factors ranging from racially motivated nationalism, economic interests and a deep crisis at the heart of the European cultural system.”

“This is not to say that Europe is actually bracing itself for events similar to the ones that happened in the 1930s and 1940s, but there is nevertheless the presence of an indubitable fertile ground to irrational and possibly dangerous thinking which in the long term may lead to incontrollable events.”

“The combination of anti-Israeli governmental policies and a growing indifference toward anti-Semitic incidents in European societies should be a cause of great concern to all good willed citizens - regardless of their faith or political affiliation - for two reasons. As was the case in the past, when tacitly accepting the irrationality of the anti-Semitic discourse, Europeans surrender themselves to the darkest aspects of the continents socio-political thinking.”

An excellent article with an excellent perspective:

Author: Riccardo Dugulin holds a master's degree from the Paris School of International Affairs (Sciences Po) and is specialized in International Security. He is currently working in Paris for a Medical and Security Assistance company. He has worked for a number of leading think tanks in Washington DC, Dubai and Beirut.


While we believing Jews see the storm clouds gathering and listen to the hypocritical rhetoric we know we have a mighty warrior on our side, G-d is maneuvering the Geula chess pieces to produce an awakening like never before. The Jewish Neshoma needs to strengthen in Emuna (faith & belief) and Bitachon (trust & perseverence) because our Father in Shomayim is moving within 'nature' and 'history' to bring about His vision of the creation of His world.

Some who fight against those who brought about the re-entrance of Eretz Yisrael to the world in our days, are blinded by the light of the golus, and they fight its development and their participation; they fail to see the Hand of Hashem in all the miracles that have taken place since. They are lost in a maze. 

Ani Yosef is recommended reading and video viewing, because it clarifies the distinction between the vision of the brothers and Yosef's destiny. A very interesting and fine perspective captured by Rabbi Pinchas Winston. [Thank you Shirat Devorah]


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