25 December 2012

Erev Rav and Erev Zeir Definitions

To help us understand and to shed some light on current events:

The following is a summary of the defining factors of the Erev Rav and Erev Zeir

Erev Rav of the Left

Religion - Mainly based on belief, if not outright secular. Should not require any action on behalf of the believer.

Morals - Morals shall be deduced by human reason alone. "I don't need G-d to tell me how to be a good person".

Science - Achievements in science are valued, as it brings understanding, does not necessitate the obligation to any sort of belief.

Politics - Separate Religion and State

Geulah - "We can make our utopia here and now", there is no "process" of Geulah. They desire to do all the work.

Erev Rav of the Right, the Erev Zeir

Religion - Mainly based on action, deeper/outside understanding of Kabbalah/Science is not stressed.

Science - Any seeming challenges coming from science are attacked, science is deemed unnecessary/heretical.

Politics - Separate Religion and State (by this I mean that there is no desire to eventually come to a "Torah" mode of governing, any religious influence is at most on the "dalet amot" scale)

Geulah - "We cannot make our utopia here and now, only Moshiach can, we must wait." There is no "process" of Geulah. They pray for Moshiach to do all the work.


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