16 October 2012

America's Cognitive Dissonance

The US Jews are blinded by Cognitive Dissonance between the past and the present. I believe their eyes and minds are covered by a cataract of wishful expectations from stagnant rhetoric about "programs" they have become dependent upon, the rhetoric of public pronouncements made to disguise behind the scenes dissolution of basic freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights, US Constitution, and Declaration of Independence.[1] These documents created the great American Dream for which immigrants have been flooding its shores ever since. [2-3] In November, the fate of the future of America will be determined. This is a choice between 'good' and 'evil'.

the American Way of Life... to be swallowed by collective socialism;

the Declaration of Independence... gone

the US Constitution ... to be usurped by Sharia Law;

the Bill of Rights dissolved... by a socialist agenda.

It is so sad to watch, from a 5000 mile perspective, the dumbing down of the American People.

Also, a must see, the Blaze Video "The Project".

An example of this cognitive dissonance is expressed by Dr. David Luchins (a former aide to Sen. Patrick Moynihan ages ago). He brings in a letter to Mishpacha Family Weekly magazine, a story from the days of Yitzchak Shamir and about the Israeli Prime Minister being 'friends' with an American President. And in the same letter, he says, "The [current] president has done a superb job of fighting terror, strengthening the coalition against, and subversive activities within, Iran; protecting Israel at the United Nations and partially righting an economy that was in virtual free fall when he took the oath of office ...." [7]

I am amazed by the lack of understanding of exactly what is historically taking place. It's been a slow trajectory toward disintegration; (from Woodrow Wilson, to) the present President is speeding things up exponentially. A leader with 34 Czars to put into place a probable European Style Socialist Government. All this is right before the eyes of the American People, the Jewish politicians, and the entire world to see. And Dr Luchins might uncharacteristically vote this incumbent into a second term[?] A second chance to do all he was not able to accomplish in the first four[?] And as he told Medvedev, he will have greater flexibility after this election (to destroy....) Freedom as we all have known it[?]

Insightful Glenn Beck has created a chart (not the first or last) for us:

"Glenn divided Obama’s record into two categories: the times he rushed into “help” with a gutsy call and the times he wanted to wait for all the facts to respond.

“If it is just a series of mistakes, this guy doesn’t think he’s making any mistakes. He thinks he’s fine, ... The guy is arrogant and mistake riddled when it comes to our foreign policy. But I don’t happen to believe that he’s making mistakes.”[8]

Here is a time line of the Bengazi incident. And, in fact, it was Panetta that got Osama, not Obama.

"Here’s the question Glenn wants you to pose to your friends: Even if this guy’s gut is so abysmal and all of the mistakes are just unintentional – why would you want to vote him back in with this track record?"

One of the ways that America has fundamentally changed from the original land of opportunity is the dumbing down in education. Have you even noticed (over the years) the dumbing down of America: [4-5]

Wikipedia on Dumbing Down: Dumbing down describes the deliberate diminishment of the intellectual level of the content of literature, film, schooling and education, news, and other aspects of culture.

"In Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (1991, 2002), John Taylor Gatto presented speeches and essays, including “The Psychopathic School”, his acceptance speech for the 1990 New York City Teacher of the Year award, and “The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher”, his acceptance speech for the 1991 New York State Teacher of the Year. Gatto speculated:
  • "Was it possible, I had been hired not to enlarge children’s power, but to diminish it? That seemed crazy, on the face of it, but slowly, I began to realize that the bells and confinement, the crazy sequences, the age-segregation, the lack of privacy, the constant surveillance, and all the rest of the national curriculum of schooling were designed exactly as if someone had set out to prevent children from learning how to think, and act, to coax them into addiction and dependent behavior."

Add to this, Historical Revisionism. Senate education testimony includes historical revisionism:

"I did testify on HB1153 and how the 'internationally benchmarked' Core Curriculum standards opened the door to control by the United Nations of America's history. The point seemed not to bother six of our Senators who voted against HB1153 in South Dakota's Senate Education committee yesterday. We heard arguments that HB1153 violated America's democracy by Ed Pogeny from the Department of Education and Dianna Miller, lobbyist for the "Large School Group". Both are paid with taxpayers' dollars. No one during the committee corrected them as to the true founding of America as being a "Constitutional Republic". I was not given the opportunity to point out that the testimony proved that we not only needed to pass HB1153, but we needed to do much more. America's history has been severely misstated, and I question as to whether or not that is by design. The question of the day, who is controlling today's American history?"

"One way to change the direction of a nation is to keep people ignorant. The public schools have done a great job in shifting worldview thinking from theism to humanism right under the noses of parents who extol the virtues of America's government education system" ... "When law professors get in the act of distorting the role that religion played in the founding of America, we are in serious trouble. It's these law professors who are teaching lawyers, some of whom will become judges and make rulings of what can and cannot be taught in our nation's schools." Historical Revisionism, an eBook by Gary DeMar.

Which brings us to: David Barton: Obama Trying to 'Remove God' from U.S.

That causes some to ask: "Is God removing His hand of protection from America?"

In the opposition to this cognitive dissonance and dumbing down of America, there are courageous people who are speaking out, historians, politicians, and regular people.

"As the most consequential document of freedom in human history, the Declaration of Independence is the most important document ... The Founding Fathers believed that our rights as human beings come from God, not from the kind or the state. Thus, they rejected the notion that power came through the monarch to the people; but rather, directly from God."[6]

Footnotes and additional reading (some out of order above):

1 Founding Documents

2 "Between 1836 and 1914, over 30 million European immigrants entered the United States of America ... They left in search of freedom and opportunity of a degree not found in their native Europe .... How the majority of immigrants arrived in New York, Philadelphia, Boston ...." by Nicholas J. Evans, Work in Progress.

Jews of the United States 1654 - 2000 by Hasia R. Diner. Some relevant chapters:
1820-1924: A Century of Migration, ... Jewish Life, ... Jewish Politics; and 1948-1967 A Golden Age? A book to definitely read for Jewish perspective.

4 'The Florida State Board of Education passed a plan that sets goals for students in math and reading based upon their race. " More here.

5 America's Road to Ruin

6 Rediscovering God in America and On the Issues by Newt Gingrich.

7 Mishpacha Family Weekly Magazine, Issue 428, pages 28-29, September Surprise, and Issue 429, pages 10-11, Romney's Real Point, and Inbox, page 7, Letter by Dr. David Luchins, "... I have not voted for a second-term president since 1972 ... I am more comfortable with my vote this time around...."

8 On Obama's mistakes:

2009: Healthcare.

2010: American Dream.

2012: Obama's Illegal Loophole

9 And lastly, from a perceptive pundit blogger:

"Romney could so easily win were he to attack Obama on any of the following significant events that every voter would understand as significant:

  • For releasing Guantanamo Bay detainees, one who even pleaded guilty to killing a U.S. soldier;
  • His repeated voting record for sanctioning the murder of babies who escaped an abortion attempt;
  • His association with America haters, American convicts, and even foreigners known to be on the FBI list of terrorists;
  • His "Fast and Furious" scandal; Or his "Libyan Embassy" coverup.
  • His association with America haters, American convicts, and even foreigners known to be on the FBI list of terrorists;
  • His dismantling of American technology's crown jewel, NASA, turning it into a Muslim propaganda agency;
  • His shameless taking od credit for killing Osama Bin Laden and the quick sea burial;
  • His whitewashing the Jihad war and the "terrorist" threat - all while posting TSA agents to invade our privacy at every airport in the U.S.
  • Or how about the idiocy of blaming a murder on a video clip that was viewed on Youtube by twenty people, whereas a Batman movie, in which 23 people met their death a few months ago by a Batman impersonator, was never blamed by this mindless president.

... the list is too long to enumerate, the abuses too many to count - by this arrogant criminal." Visit Hezbos


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