05 September 2012

Charlotte-Nburg* and Charlotte-NoCarolina

Photo: Reuters

This was a headline on page 7 of today's Jerusalem Post:

Four German girls verbally attacked Jewish girls near their Orthodox school in Charlottenburg, Berlin.

Doesn't that make you think of "Charlotte, N(orth Carolina)" and the turn of events at the Leftist convention? Charlottenburg?

Could not pass by this remarkable juxtaposition of events. This headline should have been on the front page next to the Demo...n Convention in Charlotte-No Carolina.

These were the blaring words on the Front Page of the Jerusalem Post. Why didn't they put the above article next to this one on the same front page? How could they miss the connection?


... and out of the other side of the Democratic mouth is "Obama's 'unshakable commitment to Israel's security'."

The Jewish Leftists ( self-hating ) are truly laying a platform for dissent, deception, disaster. Lee Rosenberg? What a contrast from the days of a strongly-aligned AIPAC and the nightmare of AIPAC's agenda today. Regardless of what those guys say about being "arguably the most pro-Israel platform language that has ever been in a party platform," such talk is vapor escaping into the air.

When it came time to aid and protect Israel, it was Truman and Nixon who demonstrated their integrity through their actions in Israel's defense. We don't need flattery and buttery words to conceal a two-sided diplomatic policy to the Jewish people. Obama's democratic (euro-socialist-minded czars) policies will try to slip and slide the Israelis into giving in to the Arab agenda.

"Barack knows the American Dream because he's lived it," Mrs. President, America doesn't need any more "dreams," they feel as if they are in a really bad one right now.

They want reality, integrity and honesty.

Oh, and "Don't make Israel a wedge issue in 2012" as Gil Troy wrote, No, just put a wedge between the Jewish People and Jerusalem, with the above omission.

The large headline at the top of the same page 7, another glaring Berlin attack:

Austrian Rabbi: Nazi Hooligan Verbally Attacked Me

"IN BERLIN - An extremist right-wing soccer hooligan verbally attacked a Vienna rabbi last week, giving the Nazi salute and yelling “Jews get out."

According to the rabbi, the police officer told him 'come on, it is soccer today'. He said he then approached a second group of police officers, who told him they did not see anything. When he explained to the second contingent of officers that 'at least 20 witnesses saw it,' the police responded that they could not help him..."

Doesn't this bring to mind the 'joyful spirit' of the old Gladiator sports arenas?

Jerusalem Post, I think you need a snappy Front Page editor. Might sell more papers. More of all of this at

1 comment:

in the vanguard said...

The universal squeeze on Jews before Moshiach's revelation is in gear. It may look bad from one point of view but that depends on the observor (eg: And it may be problematic for the irreligious, whereas the religious will make an easy going of it ultimately (

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...