20 July 2011

The Unraveling of a Presidency or No More Lemonade

Here is a sampling of the frustration that public servants are disgusted:

Every aspect of life in America today is worse than it was when [President Obama] took over. Unemployment higher. Interest rates. The only thing that has gone down in America over the last two years is the value of your home. This president has mismanaged this economy. He has been incompetent in his management of this economy," Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said on "Hannity." Rubio

"The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don't invest, their holding too much money. We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists. Everybody's afraid of the government and there's no need soft peddling it, it's the truth. It is the truth. And that's true of Democratic businessman and Republican businessman, and I am a Democratic businessman and I support Harry Reid. I support Democrats and Republicans. And I'm telling you that
the business community in this company is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States. And until he's gone, everybody's going to be sitting on their thumbs." Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts.

RNC Says Obama Fundraising Video '
Apparent Crime,' Seeks DOJ Probe: The Republican National Committee has asked the Justice Department to investigate what it calls a matter of “grave concern:” President Obama’s appearance in a campaign video filmed inside the White House. “If President Obama recorded the video in the Map Room, then it appears he has committed a crime under federal law,” RNC chairman Reince Priebus wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder.

Police Shut Down Lemonade Stands And Cookie Stands Run By Kids All Over America - Is There Anything We Are Still Free To Do Without Government Permission? No More Lemonade

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