26 July 2011

Now They're After Hadassah Hosp? Mt. Scopus?

Are they trying to intimidate and take over Hadassah Hospital?

This is awful (to say the least) and what is the Government doing about it?

Try to "engage the arabs."

Yes, let's offer them tea and crumpets to find out what their grievance is this time!

You don't dispel terrorists with tea and crumpets!

Arab Terrorists Frighten Away Hadassah Doctors. "Jerusalem Arabs’ escalating attacks on Hadassah’s Mount Scopus Hospital are scaring away medical staff at night. The Knesset suggest “engaging” the Arabs. The hospital, situated north of the Old City and next to the French Hill neighborhood, also is adjacent to the Issawiya neighborhood, where Arabs have increasingly staged attacks on Jews driving through the area as well as on the hospital. Nearly 40 percent of the hospital’s patients are Arabs." (INN news)

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