18 January 2011

Pure of Speech ... Tzefaniah

"I will make the peoples pure of speech so that they will all call upon the Name of G-d and serve Him with one purpose." - Zephania 3:9

Are the Gentiles Insisting the Nations be "Pure of Speech"?

Julian Assange was born in Townsville, Queensland, and spent much of his youth living on Magnetic Island. When he was one year old, his mother Christine married theatre director Brett Assange, who gave him his surname. His stepfather, Julian's first "real dad", described Julian as "a very sharp kid" with "a keen sense of right and wrong". "He always stood up for the underdog... he was always very angry about people ganging up on other people." Assange

January 2011
Assange: We're stepping up release of leaked docs

AP LONDON – WikiLeaks will step up its publication schedule of secret documents, promising more revelations based on the group's stash of confidential U.S. embassy cables and other leaks.

January 19, 2011
In 2008, US sought out "details on IDF operations underway or planned" against Palestinians fighting in the Strip, from Israeli coded messages, "including targeted assassinations and tactics/techniques used by ground and air units." jpost

January 18, 2011
LONDON - Ex Swiss Banker hands account files to Wikileaks. Rudolf Elmer, former employee of Swiss-based Bank Julius Baer: account holders included "high net worth' celebrities, business leaders and lawmakers from US, Britain, and Asia.

November 2010
Quoted in Forbes Magazine: "Admire him or revile him, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is. the prophet of a coming age of involuntary transparency." Wikileaks spokesperson Kristrinn Hrafnsson says "Increased secrecy breeds corruption."

At that time I will bring them, and at [that] time I will gather you, for I will make you a name and a praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your captivities before your eyes, said the Lord. Tzefaniah 3:20

[Thank you Basha]

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