11 February 2009

A Little Chizuk

This is a video of R' Yitzchak Dovid Grossman, singing a song of thanks at a Seudas Hoda’ah held to give thanks for those who survived the Mumbai Chabad terror attack. R’ Grossman is the greatuncle of two-year-old survivor Moishe Holtzberg; the Rabbi is the uncle of terror victim Rivka Holzberg A"H.

While not a Miracle
A hero for our times - another Holtzberg story you'll love!
This story was given over in 770 during the last hei teves farbrengen by Rabbi Shalom Jacobson. 

A close friend of Rabbi Holtzberg asked him after he went on shlichus, how much money it will take to buy a building for a Chabad House in Mumbai. He told him that in India it is impossible for a foreigner to get a mortgage and the only option was to pay in cash, a sum in the millions of dollars! His friend told him such an amount you have to fundraise, hire help, etc. Such a thing could take many years! 

Holtzberg replied to him "We don't have the time for all of that," Moshiach is Coming Now!

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