10 February 2009

A Declaration

This is the Declaration of a man who brings his First Fruits (of the Land of Eretz HaKodesh) to the Holy Temple:

"G.OD brought us forth out of Egypt 
with a mighty Hand, 
with an outstretched arm, 
with great fearfulness, 
with signs and with wonders."

We just Blessed the Fruit of the Trees and the seven fruits indigenous in a Land Flowing with Milk and Honey.  In the Pesach Haggadah these First Fruits are linked to our leaving slavery and growing in a sense of freedom, in order to be a people of a Nation that will now serve a new Master, HKB"H

Because Hashem has Aharon strike the Nile (into blood) which is the source of the nourishment to the abundance of produce they were so proud of [and that the newly freed people of the Nation in the making longed for, the leeks, onions, garlic] , and now lies in utter devastation. 

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