01 September 2008

Rosh Chodesh Elul

FROM Elul 5688 . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to Elul 5768

The difference between Gan Eden and Gehenom is . . . . one second!

The Mashgiach Rabbeinu Yechezkel Levenstein zt”l urged the talmidim to accomplish all they could in Elul, regardless of their spiritual level.

Therefore, Am Yisrael, let us make a heartfelt teshuva this year and forgive our fellow Jews of any and all pain inflicted by them upon us, and try to remember that, That nasty yetzer hara / sitra achra is creeping into every area of our lives - this is where the fight should be!!!

From Reb Chatzkel: Guardian of Torah and Mussar, Mesorah Publications, pp. 192-193, as read in the Parshas Re’eh edition of Yated Ne’eman.

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