08 May 2007


One very inciting blogger asked:

Of course, whichever way the historical wind blows
is because Hashem wants it to go that way (one of our ikkarim).

The Baal HaTanya ruled that it was better the Jews stay in Russia
(with religious oppression) rather than be liberated by Napoleon
(to live in freedom)?
Some of the Rabbis of WWII preferred that yidden
go to "Amerika" instead of Eretz HaKodesh because
America was a nation of chessed?

The first choice of direction (Baal HaTanya) was to save
the “spiritual lives of Jews” and the second choice (after WWII)
was similar to Yaakov Avinu’s sending ahead his sons to
create a Yeshiva / Beis Medrash environment – where the
spiritual lives of the Jews immigrating would have more of
a chance of surviving. They foresaw that religious life in Israel
would be very difficult to maintain, and it was a place for
only the very strong in Emuna.

From 1776 onward the foundation was being created
for the immigration of the remaining remnants of
Jews after WWs I and II.

It was the Satmar Rebbe, the Holy Rebbe Yoel zt"l,
who with his vision (again) saw that it was not yet the time
for yidden to rush to Eretz HaKodesh, with some of the
most difficult wars to be waged against religious life to come.

American Jews have been placed in this mileau of 'freedom'
so close to the end of this golus, in order for them to
CHOOSE HASHEM over all the gashmius (and current-day idols),
in order for Elokim to reveal Moshiach and bring us finally HOME.

The decline of this American golus became noticeable between
1960-70 (with America’s waterloo being Vietnam),
while the focus for Jews turned to Israel, which generated
a more serious movement of immigration to Israel.

I think the religious wars of Jew vs. Jew are waning,
because of the external threat (the prodding finger of Hashem)
meant to push Jews closer to one another.
At least this is what should happen, but if it doesn’t . . . .

Today, with America disintegrating in front of our eyes,
one only has to look around to see the demise of liberalism's

So, where does Jewry go next?

The brave, courageous, and those filled with Emuna


Cosmic X said...

"The decline of this American golus became noticeable between
1960-70 (with America’s waterloo being Vietnam),
while the focus for Jews turned to Israel, which generated
a more serious movement of immigration to Israel."

The way I see it, the decline of the American golus has much to do with the passage of time from the great Jewish immigration at the beginning of the previous century. Many of these immigrants had a serious spiritual decline once they got off the boat. Their children had a strong Jewish identity and very few would marry out of the faith. The third generation was very different: They grew up on a Judaism that was conserved or reformed to death. The notion of Jewish identity seemed to them to be a bizarre form of tribalism. This generation which grew up in the 60s and 70s intermarried in masses or did not get married at all! Hence the decline of the American golus.

Anonymous said...

CosmicX - You're right, it is of course the passage of time, and also fits into the picture I was describing - it's just that my perspective was I think more global in its view, while your's is more practical.

I am a product of that 60s and 70s mindset. However, I was always searching and B"H kept searching until I found MY truth, which was reconnecting to my ancestors, and living a Torah-true life. I mourn the loss of connection, the loss of lives, and the loss of a large, sharing, and vibrant family. They are all now gone, but not to the Shoah, gone to assimilation and to Shomayim.

Now, in Amerika, it is not enough for me. The spiritual side is languishing in all this gosh-miut. I've rejected the "join the group" generation, and working hard to GO HOME, to our ancestors' land.

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